Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Non Citizen Asian Population Of Uganda - 1375 Words

Imagine being given only 90 days to pick up your life and leave a place you call home. The Non-Citizen Asian population of Uganda was given only three months, ninety days to be precise, to leave the country. Later Asians who were Ugandan citizens were also expelled. Idi Amin’s reasoning for expelling 60,000 Asians from Uganda is still unclear. There are many theories put forth, but they remain mere speculation. As a result of Idi Amin’s erratic behavior, jingoism, and ruthlessness, Uganda’s economic ultimately suffered to this day from this act. In 1971, President Idi Amin demanded a review of Uganda’s Asian community citizenship. In August of 1972, he decreed that all Punjab Asians residing in Uganda must leave. The deadline to leave†¦show more content†¦Eventually, this resulted in the Asians dominating the entire economy in post-colonial Uganda; ultimately creating tensions with the Africans. They had always been the target of resentment in Uganda; once Amin came into power, he acted upon this tension. Many erratic announcements in the span of a few days targeted various groups. The first proclaimed, â€Å"All Asians holding Indian, Pakistan, and Bangladesh passports must leave.† Few took this announcement seriously until Amin signed the decreed. Many were astonished by this and did not want to believe it. This is because when Amin came to power, he made the working conditions better and many of the Asians who were in the business industry. Another announcement followed, adding, â€Å"All non-citizen Asians, even those holding Kenyan, and Tanzanian passports must leave. Again, many could not believe what was occurring. These announcements were life shattering, especially when it was apparent to both the Africans and Asian that Amin was serious. Next, came an announcement exempting professional Asians from explosion, this was received with trepidation. This last announcement drove a wedge between the Professional and non-professional Asian communities. The professionals o pted to leave voluntarily. Yet another announcement proclaimed that no matter Asian persuasion one claimed, he or she had to leave. All the back and forth announcements added to theShow MoreRelatedLand, Life, and Health in Africa1583 Words   |  6 Pagesworldwide number of 30 million people, and 75% are from Africa. In Southern Africa more than 25% of the population has HIV/AIDS, and of those there is 60% women. HIV/AIDS originated in tropical African, and the treatment is difficult since it is sexually transmitted disease. Medication is expensive and difficult to provide in remote area, and depending on the area whether the government is informant. 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