Monday, May 4, 2020

Digital Marketing and Local Government †

Question: Discuss about the Digital Marketing and Local Government. Answer: Introduction: According to the article by Tiago and Verissimo (2014), communication is the key to organizational success. Effective communication lays the foundation of the organization thereby, having a competitive advantage. The article highlights that the traditional method of communication creating issues in establishing effective communication within the organization. As a result, both employee and organizational performance are severely hampered. Therefore, the use of digital communication needs to be implemented by the organizations in order to ensure effective communication. The types of digital communication include the use of social media, emails and group chats. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of digital communication will help in ensuring effective communication within the organization thereby, enhancing the employee and organizational performance. According to the article by Lovejoy and Saxton (2012), communication through social media is different from communication through the official organizational website. Communication through organizational website narrows down the range of communication. According to the article, the use of social media includes internet relay chats, blogging, and instant messaging that broadens the range of organizational communication. Digital communication helps in opening greater possibilities for organizational and interpersonal communication. For example, the non-profit organizations use Facebook for building capital that is used for other benefits of the society. According to the article Leonardi, Huysman and Steinfield (2013), social media is used increasingly as the main of communication for the employees within the organization. This paper aim towards understanding the how the organizations use and conduct the communicative activities through social media in order complete the work successfully. Enterprise social media is considered as a platform rather than a channel that provides an opportunity for the employees to communicate with different employees within the organizations. Therefore, any employee can participate in the communication at any time regardless of the time and venue. According to the article by Treem and Leonardi (2013), the use of social as a communication tool is increasing incredibly. The managers of the organizations aim towards using digital communication in order to enhance the organizational communication process. This article argues that whether social media plays a significant role in communication. This is because the behaviors of the individuals associated with social media communication are unpredictable and unreliable. It has been seen that social media communication has failed to cover association, visibility, persistence, and affordance that has eventually hampered the overall communication process. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of social media communication has both positive and negatives while being used for organizational communication. According to the article by Macnamara and Zerfass (2012), government departments, multinational companies, and small sized business organizations are increasingly using social media as the communication tool. The openness of Web 2.0 has brought a positive development for digital communication as this influences active participation of the employees, exchanging of dialogues, community building along with democratizing the voices. However, according to the article, some of the organization in Australasia and Europe has prohibited the use of social media for communication (Mercea, 2012). According to the article by Lapidoth (2017), digital communication helps in establishing effective communication between the employees of the same organization. Due to digital communication, the employees of different branches are able to maintain a healthy communication between them. This helps in gaining a competitive advantage for the organization as the employees are connected in spite of being present in different branches. Additionally, digital communication facilitates communication by leading to advanced information discovery and delivery. The article by Moorhead et al., (2013), highlights the lacks of information about the benefits and uses of social media communication in the healthcare system. Effective communication in the healthcare system is essential as this helps the healthcare professionals to be aware of the past and present conditions of the patients based on which the treatment is provided. Social media communication thus provides an opportunity for the patients and the healthcare professionals to communicate thereby, providing better service (Bennett Segerberg, 2012). entering the governmental departments in order to achieve enhanced public service and engagement. In today's world, the majority of the population are active social media users and can be reached easily through this platform. Therefore, the governmental departments are using social media to communicate with the population in order to know their issues or things that can be improved for the betterment of the country. Therefore, it can be concluded that the incorporation and implementation of social media communication by the government is beneficial in enhancing the public service. The article by Huang, Baptista and Galliers (2013), enlightens the impact of social media on the internal communication of the organizations. The majority of the employees uses social media that is considered as one of the best media for establishing effective organizational communication. The use of social media platform provides an opportunity for the employees to communicate with each other without any boundaries in terms of time or venue. Additionally, even the managers can implement a friendly approach for the employees thereby, facilitating the participation of all the individuals within an organization. The article by Lane, Armin and Gordon (2015), highlights the use of social media or digital communication for both internal and external recruitment. The business organizations posts desired vacancies in the social media that is accessible to both internal and external applicants. This saves the financial resources of the company in terms of advertising and publishing. Moreover, the organizations are also able to communicate with the applicants freely and judge their suitability. Therefore, it can be concluded that digital communication helps the business organizations to communicate with applicants for effective recruitment. References Bennett, W. L., Segerberg, A. (2012). The logic of connective action: Digital media and the personalization of contentious politics. Information, Communication Society, 15(5), 739-768. Huang, J., Baptista, J., Galliers, R. D. (2013). Reconceptualizing rhetorical practices in organizations: The impact of social media on internal communications. Information Management, 50(2), 112-124. Lane, T. S., Armin, J., Gordon, J. S. (2015). Online recruitment methods for web-based and mobile health studies: a review of the literature. Journal of medical Internet research, 17(7). Lapidoth, A. (2017). A foundation in digital communication. Cambridge University Press. Leonardi, P. M., Huysman, M., Steinfield, C. (2013). Enterprise social media: Definition, history, and prospects for the study of social technologies in organizations. Journal of Computer?Mediated Communication, 19(1), 1-19. Lovejoy, K., Saxton, G. D. (2012). Information, community, and action: How nonprofit organizations use social media. Journal of Computer?Mediated Communication, 17(3), 337-353. Macnamara, J., Zerfass, A. (2012). Social media communication in organizations: The challenges of balancing openness, strategy, and management. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 6(4), 287-308. Mercea, D. (2012). Digital prefigurative participation: The entwinement of online communication and offline participation in protest events. New Media Society, 14(1), 153-169. Moorhead, S. A., Hazlett, D. E., Harrison, L., Carroll, J. K., Irwin, A., Hoving, C. (2013). A new dimension of health care: systematic review of the uses, benefits, and limitations of social media for health communication. Journal of medical Internet research, 15(4). Oliveira, G. H. M., Welch, E. W. (2013). Social media use in local government: Linkage of technology, task, and organizational context. Government Information Quarterly, 30(4), 397-405. Tiago, M. T. P. M. B., Verssimo, J. M. C. (2014). Digital marketing and social media: Why bother?. Business Horizons, 57(6), 703-708. Treem, J. W., Leonardi, P. M. (2013). Social media use in organizations: Exploring the affordances of visibility, editability, persistence, and association. Annals of the International Communication Association, 36(1), 143-189.

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