Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The relationship between teenager and their family Essay

The relationship between teenager and their family - Essay Example Data from the NSFG suggest that female adolescents born to intact families face a lower risk of early sexual debut while female adolescents, experiencing parental separation and multiple transitions in family structure have a higher risk of early sexual debut. Moreover, the Hong Kong case study establishes that adolescents with a dysfunction family and a poor family relationship are more likely to hazard to take drugs. Recently, the presence of strained relationships between teenagers and their parents as well as the disintegration within families demeans the influence of parental or family advice on teenagers. This forces teenagers to trust their peers, which coerces them to adopt immoral and unethical behaviors like drug and substance abuse and early sexual intercourse. It is clear that the increase in the strength of youths peer relationships demeans the interaction between teenagers and their families. Notably, cognitive and emotional maturity affects the quality of peer relationships that changes during adolescence. As teenagers seek to assert their individuality and independence, they derive frequent conflict between teens and their parents (Oswalt, 2014). However, as they approach maturity, they develop mature relationships with their parents and their colleagues since they have the capacity to make important decisions about their lives. Indeed, as adolescents approach maturity, they no longer depend on family social support since their colleagues develop the capacity to offer emotional support and comfort and sensible advice (Oswalt, 2014). A three years study by Dr. McGues group assesses the relationship dimensions conflict with parents and perceived warmth of the relationship with parents at age 11 and then again at age 14 (aboutkidshealth, 2010). The study established a decline in the perceived quality of relationships between

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