Thursday, November 7, 2019

Pin the Tale on the Donkey essays

Pin the Tale on the Donkey essays Politics can be a very confusing topic. Different political parties each have different viewpoints on many different issues. On numerous occasions, leaders of the Democrat party have spoken on Saddam Husseins threat level, his capacity to make and use weapons of mass destruction, his support of terrorist organizations, and a course of action to neutralize his threat. These remarks have been made on many separate occasions by many different leaders of the Democrat party. More recently, many Democrats have been saying that they never wanted anything to do with an unjust war, and openly blame President Bush and his administration for not finding any weapons of mass destruction after the invasion of Iraq. A lot of that blame has been directed at any and all members of the Republican Party. As a Republican, I am furious at Democrats who ignore their own leaders waffling on these issues. They are merely trying to pin blame on anyone possible, and will openly change their positions on issues to do so. Support of political candidates leading up to the 2004 election is one large reason for these dramatic changes of opinion. In February 2002 Al Gore supported President Bushs choice to use force in Iraq. "Since the State of the Union, there has been much discussion of whether Iraq, Iran and North Korea truly constitute an "Axis of Evil." As far as I'm concerned, there really is something to be said for occasionally putting diplomacy aside and laying one's cards on the table. There is value in calling evil by its name. This clearly shows his support of using force as an option to remove a danger. That support of Bush was changed to harsh criticism when Gore spoke at a Howard Dean fundraiser in December 2003. "Our country has been weakened in our ability to fight the war against terror because of the catastrophic mistake that the Bush administration made in taking us into ...

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