Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Walt Disney Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Walt Disney Company - Essay Example In general the team had pretty good track record of delivering the assigned tasks on time with exception of some minor incidents. The team had strengths and weaknesses that affected the performance of the group. One of the strengths of the team was that it did not waste any time in choosing a topic for the project. This enabled the team to quickly start working on the topic. Another strength of the team was its communication process. The team often utilized emails to communicate with each other. The use of emails was very effective because it allowed the members of the team to exchange information instantly. The members of the team communicated well during meetings. The organization of the team was also very good. Everybody was assigned their own part so we would not have any incidents. The teammate that worked the hardest in the team was Jay. He did more work because every one emailed their part to him and he had to connect and correct all of them before making the final paper. He d eserves a lot of credit for his tremendous work efforts. The weaknesses of the team can be best described by evaluating the work behavior of the members. Shane did a pretty good job, but one time he submitted his part late. Despite his mistake the team was not hurt. The weakest link on the team was Alana. Alana was a problematic teammate that often acted unprofessionally with her antics. Alana contributed fairly to the topic, but it seemed like she always choose the easy part to do. My assessment of Alana is that sometimes she did not take the work seriously. She often laughed at all times about any topic whether it was good or bad. She did not seem to realize that her antics were annoying to the group. She also had the bad habit of nail biting. Another thing is she acted like a child when she kept knocking her pen on the table nonstop during the class and group meeting time. My role in the group was to bring up ideas and make some suggestions at the time we choose topic. I also sub mitted my work on time despite the fact that I had a hard time due to personal problems. I had to come back to my country due to an emergency to resolve a problem. If the team had to work together again next semester I would make changes by establishing ground rules to follow during the team’s initial meeting. I would also increase the amount of meetings during the project to improve the planning and the communication process. The team achieved a coordinated effort. This was accomplished by meeting regularly and by each member being accountable for their actions. The leadership function of the team was not clearly defined, but the team member that showed the most leadership was Jay. I also informally provided leadership to my team by leading through example. I always supported my teammates during the project. I helped my teammates by giving them ideas on how to proceed with their assigned tasks. I was able to build a sense of trust with most of my teammates except with Alana. Her childish behavior made me think she would be an irresponsible teammate. In the end she actually delivered her assigned tasks and performed a fair job. Since leadership roles were not clearly defined by the team I can honesty say that the team exercise did not help me that much in building my leadership abilities. I did not feel compromised by the team because the work was evenly distributed. The team did not experience any major conflicts that would have compromised the project deliverables. The tasks performed by the group were

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