Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Osama bin Laden Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Osama bin Laden - Research Paper Example However, many people believe that America is responsible for the making of Osama as a hard core criminal. America has given training to Osama and his allies to fight against the former Soviet communist regime in Afghanistan. They educated Osama that communism is the enemy of Islam and expelling communism form the soil of Afghanistan is necessary for sustaining Islamic beliefs in Afghanistan. America did succeed in exploiting the in depth belief of Osama in Islamic beliefs and the Soviet Union forced to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan as a result of the efforts of Osama and Taliban groups. When America was giving training to Osama on terrorist activities, they never thought about the possibilities that one day Osama may use his power against them also. In other words, America’s efforts to attack communism through Osama, hit them back just like a boomerang. This paper analyses the development of Osama Bin Laden as the most wanted criminal in the world most wanted criminal i n the world. Osama Bin Laden was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on March 10, 1957. His father was a close friend of the ruling royal family which helped him to establish the Bin Laden group of companies. Immediately after the birth of Osama, his parents got divorced and brought up under the single parent control. During his childhood, he was a normal child who has shown immense interests in religious activities. In Saudi Arabia, it was allowed to the Muslims to marry as much as girls. Osama’s father had ten wives while Osama started his multi marriage activities at the age of 17 by marrying Najwa Ghanem. He has completed his schooling from Al Thanger model school, and graduated in economics and business administration from King Abdul Aziz University. There are some reports which show that he has taken a civil engineering degree also. In any case, it is agreed by all the people who know Osama that he was a hard working person who has shown many interests in religious beliefs and also in interpreting teachings of Quran and jihad. According to Osama Bin Laden, â€Å"Jihad gives licence to indulge in all sorts of aggravated sins†1. He was succeeded in giving different interpretations to the word Jihad. He thought that jihad is the licence given to human or Muslims by God or Allah to fight against all kinds of evil acts, taught by Islam. The struggles Muslim people suffered, at different parts of the world were considered by Osama as the result of evil acts committed against Islam. He started to view all the political activities and religious clashes happening at different parts of the world against Islam as convincing reasons for conducting jihad. According to Osama’s wife Najwa Bin Laden, â€Å"No one in Osama’s family took umbrage at Osama’s political awareness and religiosity. Osama was highly praised for his keen interest in supporting Islam†2. In other words, nobody in Osama’s family though that Osama’s be liefs, views and opinions may one day shape in its present forms. Everybody thought that like most of the other Saudi people, Osama is also preaching something about jihad; but nobody thought that Osama may practice it in real life in future. Osama was adamant in his beliefs in Sharia laws. He was of the view that the destruction of Sharia laws is the major reason for the problems in Muslim world. Osama started talk consistently about the necessities of

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