Monday, September 30, 2019

Rhetorical Situation and Visual Design

1) Practical visual design is rational in the sense that each step of the way you can understand why you're making design decisions. 2) The three elements of the rhetorical situation are audience, purpose and context. 3) Some examples of large-scale responses to the rhetorical situation of a document include 11† x 17† four panel format, heavier paper, and arrangements of the documents major elements -brochure-like format, visual demeanor. ) Some examples of local-level responses to the rhetorical situation of a document are typography, large, bold type, bulleted list, single page letter, parallel layout, -narrow text columns, two bar charts and table, labels. 5) Traditional rhetorical strategies apply to visual design in the following ways Arrangement and emphasis strategies pertain to the visual structure and organization of the document. Clarity and conciseness strategies pertain primarily to functional matters of style, of making the design readable and efficient.Tone and ethos strategies relate primarily to readers subjective responses to the visual language, its voice and credibility. 6) Cognate strategies of visual designs interrelate and overlap because technicality may add to clarity as well as to conciseness. In the same way, the placement of the headings or drawings on a page in not entirely a matter of arrangement rather than ethos and of clarity rather than emphasis. 7) The three kinds of activities in the design process are Invention -Revision -Editing. ) Conventions in the context of communication are customary forms and configurations that members of an audience expect. 9) The three ways of grouping visual conventions are according to scope, degree of flexibility and size of the use group. 10) â€Å"Visual discourse community† means an audience that understands certain conventions. 11) Three guidelines for using visual conventions are Identify relevant conventions for any design problems you're trying to solve Realize that some conventions are more rigid than others Think of conventions in terms of your readers, who give them meaning and significance.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


The idea that there are â€Å"higher† and ‘lower† pleasures is one that stems from the very beginning of philosophy, although in the hands of John Stuart Mill within his famous Utilitarianism it becomes a central focus. Mill convincingly argues that if a person has experienced both the higher and the lower pleasures, then he/she will naturally tend to prefer the higher. But if someone has only been subjected to lower pleasures he is somehow a less fulfilled human being. The distinctively human pleasures that Mill identified tended to be those that would only appeal to a few people, normally the elite of society who had the time and money to indulge in them. For example, high art as is found with opera houses or within expensive paintings in luxurious art galleries is often only enjoyed by a few. But this few is the most exemplary example of the most â€Å"human† of pleasures. Conversely, the lower pleasures tend to be those that appeal just to the senses: often in a purely physical sense. These kinds of pleasures are to be found within the lower classes and are characterized by instant and easily understood appeals to pleasure. In many ways this argument makes sense, even thought it does not fit within the egalitarian ideals of today.   In many ways it also sits uneasily with the whole focus of utilitarianism which may be essentially summed u[ as the â€Å"greatest happiness for the greatest number of people†. The valorization of high (human) pleasures over low (more animalistic) ones essentially suggests that the quality of happiness rather than the quality, at least as far as pleasures are concerned is of the most importance. Mill used his division between high and low pleasures to suggest that certain individuals who owned more property, and thus who were more likely to indulge in the higher pleasures, should have greater voting power than the masses. This is an essentially elitest system, but one which makes sense within the premises that Mill sets forward. If the higher pleasures are of greater â€Å"human† character than the lower ones, then the people who enjoy them would be more worthy of control within society. They would be more likely to exhibit the kind of self-control needed to preserve the happiness of the masses. The hedonistic tendencies of those masses imply that they cannot be trusted with full power over their destinies. To conclude, the idea that some pleasures are â€Å"superior† to others is something that most people accept in theory, but would not readily admit in public. Mill however belonged to a perhaps more honest age than ours, and is convincing in his arguments for the superiority of certain pleasures over others. The conclusions that he draws from those arguments are more problematic however: the fact that a person enjoys opera does not necessarily mean that he understands the good of the country better. Works Cited Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism. University of Toronto Press, Toronto: 1985.   

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Counseling women to get over there cheating partner Essay

Counseling women to get over there cheating partner - Essay Example It has also been observed that men cheat on their spouses more than women. Men give different reasons for infidelity; for instance some feel neglected and unappreciated by their wives while some believe that their marriage lacked spark and intimacy (Perel, 2011). Some men confessed that stressful events led them to cheat on their wives and some said that they had extramarital affairs because their friends had so (Fitness, 2001). Boredom and emotional deprivation are some other reasons men gave to justify their adulterous relationships. Sometimes men face financial problems and are reluctant to discuss them with their wives; as a result they turn to other women for solace and sympathy and end up having an affair. Besides feeling betrayed, the cheated wife feels aggrieved, confused, devastated and alone. Once the affair is discovered, the couples face two options; to forget everything and move on with their lives or to end the marriage. The women who decide to give another chance to th eir marriage constantly live under the fear that their husbands may have another affair. Some women seek divorce while some men leave their wives and children for the other woman. In any case, marriage comes to an end when the affair is discovered because the possibility of normal relations after this gross violation of trust becomes zero. The betrayed partner is haunted by the question â€Å"why?† and often it becomes difficult for her to go back to normal life. Under these circumstances counseling can help lower the pain experienced by the wronged partner. Different counselors suggest different ways of getting over their cheating partners. Psychological Effects of Infidelity Infidelity especially one which leads to an end to marriage leaves deep psychological scars on women. Gordon, Baucom and Snyder (2004) in their study discussed at length the impact of infidelity on the betrayed wives. Depression is also common among women who have been betrayed and may cause them to act irrationally such as enter an unhealthy relationship, seek revenge or as in most cases inflict self-harm. Suicidal thoughts in depressed women occur because they think that their lives have become meaningless and they do not have a reason to live. Women become emotionally insecure, their initial reaction of shock changes to anger, rage and disbelief and then sadness seems to engulf them. Besides feeling sad and empty, women lose interest in activities, do not care about their appearance, and feel lethargic and worthless. Experiencing changes in eating habits and sleep patterns is also common; women betrayed by their husband may experience lack of appetite or a sudden craving for food making them eat more than usual. Sleep also does not come easily to them. Betrayed women also lose faith and question the general goodness in the world. The first suggestion that counselors give women is to stop blaming themselves for what happened. The victims of broken marriages (wives) often end up blaming themselves for pushing their husbands into infidelity. This is because people strongly believe in the â€Å"good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people theory†. The victim feels ashamed and foolish for not detecting the signs of infidelity earlier and to make matters worse, the betraying husband holds the wife responsible for his reckless actions making her believe that the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Construction assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Construction assignment - Essay Example It overlooks the Thames. It lies between the Houses of Parliament and St. Paul`s Cathedral. It is opposite to the Royal Courts of Justice. It is within five minutes walk of the Covent Garden, West End theatres and Trafalgar Square. The building is a 13 storied structure, and has 4 basement levels. The building is made of concrete and inflexible blockwork partitions. The floor to ceiling height is high. Roofs have valley gutters. Iron cramps have been inserted in masonry to bind the blocks together. Bonding timbers have been used in external brick and stone walls. The facade build-up includes glazed infill cladding. There are windows, and the flooring made of wood. The blockwork is inflexible, requiring extensive works. The facade are worn out. The facade are leaky allowing water ingress and air infiltration. VAV dual duct ventilation with open able windows caused high energy consumption. The environmental performance was poor. There are DDA and fire compliance issues. The top three floors were completely gutted. Access for fire escape and fire brigade was poor. Facade, building services and DDA access were not compliant. Major defects have been included in the table below. The occupants gave a negative feedback regarding the internal environment including noise and air pollution. Routine maintenance includes work that has to be carried out at intervals for keeping the building in appropriate condition. There may be requirements for replacement or repairing an item necessitated by natural deterioration of normal wear and tear. According to Chanter and Swallow (2000), routine maintenance is five yearly external decorations and servicing of boilers. According to the Audit Commission, details of maintenance cycles have to be set with a balance between planned and responsive maintenance. The initial focus must be on replacements that could be expected instead of those considered avoidable. The routine replacement items must be identified at the outset

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The impact of Southwest Airlines on Commercial Aviation Research Paper

The impact of Southwest Airlines on Commercial Aviation - Research Paper Example 311). Along the way, it refined its low price strategy by cutting down on food and beverage offerings, mandating open seating which increases capacity, flying only one type of plane, locking in low fuel prices when the fuel prices spiked in 2008, and favoring secondary markets such as Chicago Midway over congested markets, such as Chicago O’Hare. These strategies helped Southwest cut prices, and the result of Southwest’s ability to slash prices has been nothing short of astounding on the entire airline industry, resulting in fare cuts across the board, and substantially increasing airport traffic for the airports that serve Southwest in relation to airports that do not. The result of the impact of Southwest Airlines on the airline industry has been so significant that it was given a name – the â€Å"Southwest Effect†. Different studies have done different analyses on the Southwest Effect. Morrison (2001) performed a study on the aggregate effect of Southwest on Southwest’s competition, then compared the aggregate estimate with fare reductions that were the result of deregulation, as a way to quantify Southwest’s effect on the success of deregulation (Morrison, 2001, p. 241). Morrison stated that the airfares on a given route are influenced by another airline in three ways. First, is when the other airline serve a given route; second, when the other airline serves an adjacent route that is seen by consumers to be a reasonable alternative to the first route; and third, the other airline affects fares if the existing airlines on a route lower their fares in order to keep out potential competitors (Morrison, 2001, p. 241). Morrison quantified Southwest’s impact on each of these categories, stating that there was a potential for Southwest to impact 94% of domestic passenger miles (Morrison, 2001, p. 243). His unit of measurement for this impact was an equation

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Classical Greek Antiquity and Greek-Cypriot Identity Essay

Classical Greek Antiquity and Greek-Cypriot Identity - Essay Example Western societies are all indebted to ancient Greece. The Greeks were the primary nation to develop the concepts of opinionated independence and egalitarian government. It all started in Athens Greece. Because the Greeks esteemed superiority in style, they support the advancement of an assortment of aptitudes. For the Greeks, to direct a complete existence, a person should be able to talk about philosophy, be acquainted with mathematics, be glad about arts, take part in community dealings, and hang about high-quality physical shape. Simultaneously, The Greeks look forward to individuals exerting every effort in keeping with lofty principles of distinction. The Greeks had affirmations that human beings are apt to get done grand achievements in this physical universe. They set importance to restraint and temperance. The Greeks concept of superiority requires brainpower, effort, and strength of will. Greek poets and playwrights portray and expressed their great adherence to exceptional standards of bravery and honour. Poetry is an important part of Greek religious festive occasions. Dances and songs were presented as poems were chanted in chorus which eventually turned into plays. Subsequently, dramas were featured and staged by actors and actresses on open theatres of as large as twenty thousand crowds of unclassified personalities from sunrise to sunset. History inscription is another significant style of Greek literature. The Greeks were the first people to carefully study and write about past events, facts, while understanding human actions and intentions. They emphasized accurate reporting of events in their writings. The Greeks hands were outstanding in arts and architecture. Up to these days their works of art and architecture are used as models and patterns for designing projects of commercial and aesthetic values. The love of wisdom comes from the Greeks who initiated philosophy by studying nature. Mere explanations did not satisfy their curiosity. They believed that natural laws exist for nature to follow. Consequently, Greek philosophers and scientific scholars investigated diverse fields which resulted to their great influence on modern day scientific way of understanding nature. In the present day, a travel from Piraeus to Athens to see the great island of Greece, one would enjoy the comfort of a speedy, air-conditioned, smooth ride along stretches of jam-packed, low-rise, colourful houses that seems to stifle and choke the ecosystem. The grandeur that was Greece was gone to daybreaks of women hanging hundreds of laundries and linens in every space available regardless social ethics (Hirschon, and Herzfeld 1998). The

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A vacation trip from your childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A vacation trip from your childhood - Essay Example In retrospect, the entire air trip itself was not very interesting. However, the ability to fly high above the earth and imagine what was down below and what we were flying over captivated my imagination. Once in London, I was surrounded by foreign sights and sounds; sights and sounds that would now seem as if they were second nature to me. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the entire trip was with regards to the cuisine. Used to my native cuisine and the way in which my mother and loved ones cooked, the rather bland food of Europe came as something of a surprise to me. As such a young traveler, my palate was not used to these strange dishes and I would oftentimes reject them out of the hopes that my frustration would somehow magically create more interesting dishes for me to eat. All in all, the trip was both formative and enlightening. It was formative due to the fact that it infected me with a desire to see new places and travel for the remainder of my life. Further, it was e nlightening due to the fact that I came to see how other people interact with each other whereas I had only been familiar of the way that my own people acted and interacted with one

Monday, September 23, 2019

Exchange risk Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Exchange risk - Research Paper Example Foreign exchange rates have an impact on the economic society as discussed. Low exchange rates are a signal to the recession economic period and consequent political instability. Conversely, substantial rates of exchange are a sign of stable commercial conditions for a country. The exchange rates directly affect the international trade. For instance, low exchange rate support activities like tourism and exports in the economy (Howell & PRS Group, 2011). At this point, domestic goods become inexpensive for the foreign buyers. Additionally, foreign currency rates have an effect on investment funds that either move in or out of an economy. The countries that have fluctuating currency are less attractive to investors from overseas. This because all investors are assumed to be risk averse and, therefore, like returns and dislike losses. At this time, foreigners liquidate their real estates, stocks, and bonds just because such derivatives are losing purchasing power to rival investments in other countries. Foreign investors prefer making financial investments when they think that price in them will be conserved as international profits are ultimately converted back to their domestic currency. The foreign exchange rate leads to an economic growth: it is true that the higher the price of the net exports, the higher the nation Gross domestic product. The country’s GDP is given as C+I+G+(X-M) Where C = consumer spending, C= capital, I= investment by the businesses and households, G= government spending and (X-M) = net exports.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

M1A3_Team develop and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

M1A3_Team develop and Leadership - Essay Example The size of the team was determined based on the roles of all the team members. As such, the ten positions were necessary in an effort to increase the efficiency of the team (Daft & Lane 2008). The team was constituted in 2009 after the founders realized that it would play a crucial societal role. In addition, the â€Å"Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development† was instrumental in the formation of the team (Daft & Lane 2008). The team members acknowledged that members had similar interests. Moreover, each of the team members had to have exceptional ability to sing with the intention of producing better songs. Indeed, there is a distinct relation between the team and the goals, which it seeks to accomplish throughout their activities. For instance, the team focuses on inspiring the people they interact with through their activities, for example, singing (Hedgeman 2007). The major goals of this choir team include maintaining the group for a significantly long time. In addition, the group focuses on inspiring individuals through the songs. The group also focuses on creating a mentor position in its immediate environment. The mentor position will be instrumental in enhancing the inspirational levels (Knight& Fink 2003). The members of the choir collectively decide on the goals of this team. Consequently, this collective decision on goals enhances rapid growth of the choir. Since the team aims to inspire through their songs, they can develop as a team. Moreover, each member should be responsible to achieve perfect execution of the goals of the team. The team achieves this target when they constantly meet for their rehearsals (Maddux & Winfield 2003). Every member of the team is accountable in fulfilling the goals. Additionally, extensive levels of interconnectivity and connection in the team are supported. For instance, team members must meet on regular basis for practice; furthermore, they communicate on the team’s advancement. They can

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Education Essay Example for Free

Education Essay The terms dreadful and dreary are fitting descriptions to partly describe the education I had back in Korea. As Rose would explain it, schools that do well, with teachers and facilities that really contribute to the real education of the mind do exist (Rose 1989). However, during his and my time, the settings were somehow similar. I had gone through subjects that were forced on me as if food that makes one to flip over. Korean education for me was a little bit like â€Å"blind leading the blind† idea. Being raised a South Korean I experienced the hell education is. Vocational school really meant to prepare us for the world of work as it is also projected to do for people here in the United States. Back then, the vocational section of our school actually meant schooling for the average and the below average; students who seemed to have no other future like in the university, but to get married and work in some kind of factory or behind an isolated desk. Like the banking concept of Freire which the author elaborated as the absence of dialogue and problem-posing set-up and replaced or dominated by control and depositing of the all too-knowledgeable teacher, my past experience exactly mimic Freire’s descriptions when I was under the tutelage of mentors who also just passed on the kind of ignorance they received from others before them (Freire 1993 ch 2). It was a mixture of hell and a hellish kind of experience. Rose’s apt depiction of his adventure in a jungle of misappropriation of learning may not be as exactly the same as mine, but the fact that I just somehow drifted then and passively went through schooling was a dismal failure to me. Failure because I had emerged with the same credulity and only a bit sophisticated with getting away with my increasing ignorance about many things. Fortunately, despite my parents’ lack of know how, their wise supervision over us children became very crucial and important as I emerged an adolescent and a young person. The time when we reached mainland USA had somehow spelled differently for me. Things like being introduced to a teacher much like Rose had in the person of Mr. MacFarland (Rose 1989), worlds of ideas and opportunities opened for me when I was tutored by this wonderful person who had the patience to point to me my inadequacies and strengths in a very non-threatening yet forceful manner, awakening me to rise to the challenge of emerging from being average to strike at what I do best. I just wanna be average† (Rose 1989) is well maybe a safe battle cry for most because it removes the guilt and even more so the pressure to become somebody who actually has a lot more insecurities than the truly â€Å"average† guy. Or so I thought. However, things are a bit a changing as the song goes. I have a passion within me that had started to burn deep within and refuse to go away. This is the passion to inquire, to absorb, to learn and to explore the many â€Å"whys† that had cropped up incessantly since a teacher started to lead us how to make inquiries. This is exactly what Freire would have wanted. Teachers become dominators when they truly believe that the students are just out there in front of them as willing audience to a â€Å"play† with which only one is the protagonist and antagonist and that is the teacher (Freire 1993). Unless the mentor thinks as a student as well, immersing himself again in the shoes of his â€Å"mentees† he will soon forget that these little people in front of him actually have minds of their own; that no matter what one teaches, those minds will leave the hall devoid of real encounters and real and practical materials that they ought to carry with them until college days are over. Conclusion and recommendation Indeed, being average has its place, but when the teachers start to label and judge a student or students as only that, the teacher ceases to understand the mindset that is still very much malleable, and capable of immense exploits. Several suggestions not very different from the proposed learning set-up by Freire are in my mind. The management of the classroom experiences are structured or planned such that the students or pupils will have sufficient time and space to develop their powers of inquiry. This is their entitlement to empowerment; i. e. he students start to have a sense of control and directions with their own learning. When this happens, the students feel committed and engaged and are â€Å"hooked† as what has happened to Mike Rose. What Mike Rose described in his accounts are telling of the general atmosphere in most traditionally run schools not just even in the United States. Elsewhere in countries who look up to Uncle Sam are institutions following our footsteps and producing the same sad, sad stories of students who are gripped by the powerful influence of teachers who do not teach but make their audience depositories of a different kind. The process of developing an inquiring mind is not very easy. It takes a lot of creativity and constant research and innovations from that of the teacher to produce materials or activities that encourage the students to make and generate questions pertaining to and not only confined to the lessons defined in the syllabus. This is the reason that Freire often referred to as the teacher playing and assuming the role as well as that of the student. This stance takes into the premise then, that students in whatever economic status in life they may spring from, are not dumb and altogether passive. They start to be that way because most teachers expect them to behave as such. Various theoretical perspectives in learning actually boil down to the realization that in order for real learning to happen, the students must craft their own ideas and concepts, and must take ownership of the kinds of lives they must eventually lead. This is accountability and responsibility.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Seed priming technique

Seed priming technique Abstract Seed priming is a technique by which seeds are partially hydrated to a point where germination processes begin but radical emergence does not occur. Priming can be found effective both for legumes and grain crops. A pot experiment was conducted under green house conditions at Pir Mehr Ali shah, Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi during summer of 2007. The seeds were invigorated by traditional soaking (hydropriming), osmo-conditioning (soaking of seeds in aerated, low-water-potential solutions) using, potassium di-hydrogen phosphate KH2PO4, Mannitol, Polyethylene glycol (PEG), sodium molybdate (Na2MO4.2H2O) and hormonal priming by using salicylic acid (SA). The ranges of osmotic potential for all the priming treatments were -0.5 to -1.2 M Pa. All the invigoration treatments significantly affected plant vigor, biomass, root, shoot length and nodulation. Osmopriming using P @ 0.60% applied in the form of KH2PO4 significantly improved seed vigour in terms of mean emergence time (5.5 2 to 4.51 days), final germination percentage (74 to 89%) root and shoot length and nodulation (0 to 4 nodules seedling-1) followed by mannitol priming (Mannitol @ 2%). Overall all the seed priming techniques significantly improved the vigour of mungbean seedlings as compare to control. The use of polyethylene glycol is expensive and gave similar results as for dry seeding so it should be replaced by hydropriming in further experiments. It is recommended that nutrient-priming and osmopriming can be used as effective tool for invigoration of mungbean seeds, for better growth and seedling establishment. Key words: Osmo-priming, hydropriming, vigna radiata, seedling vigour, nodulation INTRODUCTION Seed priming is a practice by which seeds are partially hydrated to a point where germination processes begin but radical emergence does not occur (Harris et al., 2000). Seed priming can be found effective for legumes i.e., yields of Mungbean and Chickpea were increased substantially by priming seeds for 8 h before sowing (Harris et al., 1999; Musa et al., 2001; Rashid et al., 2004). Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) is grown on over 200,000 ha with production of more than 100,000 t under rainfed and irrigated conditions in Pakistan. Yields for the rainfed area are generally low and variable due to sparse, erratic rainfall and marginal soils. Mungbean production in Punjab Province is dependent mainly on surface irrigation but it is also grown under rain fed conditions. In the Southern region of Pakistan rainfall is scanty and mungbean is grown with surface irrigation only. Poor crop establishment is a major restraint for mungbean production (Naseem et. al., 1997; Rahmianna et al., 2000) and high yields can be associated with early vigor (Kumar et al., 1989). Improved seed invigoration techniques are being used to reduce the germination time, to get synchronized germination, improve germination rate, and improve seedling stand in many horticultural (Bradford et al. 1990; Rudrapal and Nakamura 1998) and field crops like wheat, maize (Aquilla and Tritto 1991; Basra et al. 2002) and more recently rice (Farooq et al. 2004). These invigoration techniques include hydropriming, osmoconditioning (Basra et al. 2005), osmohardening (Farooq et al. 2006) and hardening (Farooq et al. 2004). These treatments can also be employed for earlier and better nursery stand establishment (Lee et al. 1998). This study was initiated to explore the effects of aerated hydration, hormonal priming (salicylic acid), nutrient priming (Phosphorous and molybdenum loading) and osmo-conditioning on mungbean (vigna radiata) seed vigour under green house conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Seed material Seeds of mungbean cultivar Chakwal Mung-97 (CH-MUNG 97) were obtained from Barani Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Chakwal. The seeds were sterilized by using 30% hypochlorite for five minutes and then washed three times with distilled water. Seed Treatments The following seed priming treatments were applied Nutrient priming The seeds were soaked in aerated solution of phosphorous (P @ 0.60 1.20 %) and molybdate (Mo @ 0.02 0.04 %). The sources for phosphorous and molybdenum were potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) and sodium molybdate (Na2MoO4.2H2O), respectively. Osmopriming The seeds were soaked in aerated solutions of mannitol (mannitol @ 2 % 4 %) and polyethylene glycole (Polyethylene glycol @ 5% 10%). Hormonal priming The seeds were soaked in aerated solution of salicylic acid (SA @ 10 20 ppm) Post treatment operations After seed treatments the seeds were given surface washing three times by distilled water. Aeration was also applied by pump. Air dried soil was placed in 10-cm tall plastic pots with 6-cm diameter. The soil used in the pot experiment was sandy loam having pH of 7.9. Soil was made friable by scratching the surface with a two cm wide table fork to a depth of 1-cm of moist soil. The seeds were also inoculated before sowing. Ten numbers of seeds were planted in each pot and thinned to six plants per pot. Similar amount of water applied in regular intervals to all pots under study. The plants were harvested 21 days after sowing (DAS), and seedlings root/shoot length were taken. The seedlings were dried at 75 oC for 48 hours and the dry matter was finally determined. The complete randomized design (CRD) was used in pot experiment. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare treatment means. RESULTS The data showed that different seed priming treatments had significant (p There was significant (p There was significant (p The data depicts that seed priming had significant impact on the root as well as shoot length, 21 days after sowing (DAS). All the priming treatments significantly increased the root as well as shoot length of seedlings. The data revealed that T5 (P @ 0.60%) and T9 (mannitol @ 2 %) gave the best results. The lowest root length (4.56 cm) was observed in control. T4 (Mo @ 0.04%) showed lower root length than T2 and T3 (Mo @ 0.02 %) and higher from control. Treatment T6 (P @ 1.2%) showed lower root length than T5 (P @ 0.06%) and at par with T1 and T4. Hormonal priming using salicylic acid (SA @ 20 ppm) also showed lower root length than T7 (SA @ 10 ppm) and at par with T4 and T6. The data also showed that T10 (mannitol @ 4%) is lower than T9 (mannitol @ 2%) and at par with T7. The data also depicts that T12 (PEG @ 10%) showed lower root length as compare to T11 (PEG @ 5 %) which showed also higher root length than all other treatments except T2 and T9 (Figure 1). Maximum shoot length observed in the T5 (P @ 0.06 %) followed by T9 (mannitol @ 2%). The data also depicts the shortest shoot length was observed in the control. The data also revealed that T4 resulted in lower shoot length than T3 and T2. It is also evident that T6 is lower than T5 and at par with T3 and T2 (Figure 1). T8 showed higher shoot length than T7 and at par with T2, T3 and T6. Treatments T9 and T10 and T11, T12 also showed similar results. Discussion Earlier and more uniform germination and emergence was observed in primed seeds as indicated by lower MET and E50, higher germination percent and root and shoot dry weight (tables 1). Lesser MET and E50 specify the earlier and rapid germination. These findings support the prior work on canola (Brassica compestris) (Zheng et al., 1994), wheat (Triticum aestivum) (Nayyar et al., 1995) and rice (Oryza sativa) (Lee and Kim 2000; Basra et al., 2003) who described improved germination rate and percentage in seeds subjected to hydropriming and seed hardening for 24 h. This study revealed that osmo, nutrient and hormonal priming could invigorate mungbean seeds. One of the reasons for decreased MET is that during pre-sowing seed treatments the dormancy of the seed is broken and the seed bio-chemical processes commences, which lead to faster germination and emergence (Farooq et al., 2006). Seed priming ensured the proper hydration, which resulted in enhanced activity of a-amylase that hydrolyzed the macro starch molecules in to smaller and simple sugars. The availability of instant food to the germinating seed gave a vigorous start as indicated by lower E50 and MET in treated seeds (Farooq et al.,2006) during priming de novo synthesis of a-amylase is also documented (Lee and Kim, 2000). Early emergence as indicated by lower E50 and MET in treated seeds may be due to the faster production of germination metabolites (Saha et al. 1990; Lee Kim 2000; Basra et al. 2005) and better genetic repair, i.e. earlier and faster synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins (Bray et al. 1989). Gray and Steckel (1983) also concluded that priming increased embryo length, which resulted in early initiation of germination in carrot seeds. The increased shoot and root length in primed plants can be due to metabolic repair of damage during treatment and that change in germination events i.e., changes in enzyme concentration and formation and reduction of lag time between imbibition and radicle emergence (Bradford et al., 1990). Treated seeds had stronger embryos that were able to more easily emerge from seeds (Harris et al., 2005). These results are also in line with the findings of Sekiya et al. (2009) who reported enhanced root and shoot length of seedlings obtained from P enriched seeds. To contribute to plant growth and development seed priming has been widely reported technique (Harris et al., 2005). Ajouri et al. (2004) reported a stimulation of P and Zn uptake, as well as an improved germination and seedling growth in barley after soaking seeds in water and in solutions containing 5-500 mM P. It has been also reported invigorated seeds had higher vigour levels (Ruan et al. 2002), which resulted in earlier start of emergence as high vigour seed lots performed better than low vigour ones (Hampton and Tekrony 1995). Yamauchi and Winn (1996) also reported positive correlation between seed vigour and field performance in rice. Earlier, Zheng et al. (2002) reported earlier and uniform emergence in rice seeds osmoprimed with KCl and CaCl2 and mixed salts under flooded conditions. Hydropriming improved the early and vigorous crop establishment in maize (Nagar et al. 1998) and Helichrysum bracteatum L. (Grzesik Nowak 1998). However, other studies resulted in poor emergence from hydroprimed Kentucky bluegrass seeds under field conditions (Pill Necker 2001). However Nascimento and West (1999) reported early germination of primed seeds but not recorded any improvement in the growth of seedlings in muskmelon seeds under laboratory conditions. Confounding results, where priming did not show any beneficial results, also reported by different research workers (Mwale et al., 2003; Giri and Schillinger, 2003). The increase of nodulation, seedling vigor and tolerance to stresses may depend on various factors occurring during priming treatment. One hypothesis is that benefits of priming can be due to metabolic repair of damage during treatment and that change in germination events i.e., changes in enzyme concentration and formation and reduces lag time between imbibition and radicle emergence (Bradford et al., 1990). One of the possible reasons for early nodule formation may be due to enhanced activity of a-amylase and sucrose synthase in primed seeds which may facilitate plant growth and vigor (Lee and Kim, 2000). From the present study it may be concluded that seed priming may enhance the seedling vigour of mungbean. Nutrient priming using phosphorous and osmopriming with mannitol were the most efficient priming treatments in this study. In further research work biochemical basis for the enhanced phenology of mungbean may be evaluated. REFERENCES Aquilla D. A., V. Tritto. 1991. Germination and biochemical activities in wheat seeds following delayed harvesting, ageing and osmotic priming. Seed Sci.Tech.19:73 82. Anonymous.2009. Agriculture statistics of Pakistan. Ministry of Food,Agriculture and Livestock. Economic wing, Islamabad. Pp. 46-47. Association of Official Seed Analysis (AOSA). 1998. Rules for testing seeds. J. Seed Tec.12:1-112. Association of Official Seed Analysis (AOSA).1983.Seed Vigor Testing Handbook. Contribution No. 32 to the Handbook on Seed Testing. Barber, S. A. 1995. Soil nutrient bioavailability, 2nd edn. Willey, New York Basra, S. M. A., M. Farooq, K. Hafeez and N. Ahmad. 2004. Osmohardening: A new technique for rice seed invigoration. Int. Rice Res.Notes.29:80 81. 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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Virginia Woolfs Short Story, A Haunted House :: Virginia Woolf A Haunted House

Virginia Woolf's Short Story, A Haunted House The short story "A Haunted House" is story with meaning, by portraying to us the treasure of life. When two ghosts are searching through their old house, looking for their "Treasure", the treasure or meaning is revealed to us. The joy and love shared between two people is the treasure, the treasure of life. By using irony and stream of consciousness Virginia Woolf is able to reveal the meaning of the story. Virginia Woolf uses a style called the "Stream of Consciousness", revealing the lives of her characters by revealing their thoughts and associations. We learn about the ghosts past by seeing what they thoughts and associated with there pasts. For example when they were discussing death she put " "Here we slept," she said. And he adds, "Kisses without number." "Waking in the morning_" "Silver between the trees." "Upstairs-" "In the garden-" "When summer came-" "In the winter snowtime-" "( A Haunted House Pg. 321). This quote shows us what places and actions the ghosts associate with there joy and love. Using stream of consciousness gives us a better feeling of what the characters are going through, which in turn gives us a better understanding of the meaning. We also see the use of irony, using a word or phrase to mean the exact opposite of its literal or normal meaning. The irony is that the story is titled "A Haunted House" which made us think that the house was an evil place. The house ends up being where every thing good happens. The ghosts did not haunt the people , instead they make them realize the treasure they have. By seeing how much the ghosts valued finding their treasure it makes the people take a harder look at what their treasure is, the love and joy they share. It is very evident when she says " Now they found it, one would be certain, stopping the pencil on the margin. And then, tired of reading, one might rise

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Crime Among Social Groups Essay -- Crime Social Class Society Violence

Crime Among Social Groups Why are crime rates higher among some social groups than the others? Are some groups more prone to crime, or are they in situations more conducive to crime? Many factors can influence a person to commit a crime, but is there a common trait that leads people down the road to actually committing a crime. Some traits that can influence criminal behavior are: Families, Economic status, Gender, Race, and Age. Married life domesticates but also can cause strain and difficulties. There are new conflicts that arise from people getting married. Often it is the first major decision of one's life and soon there are more bills, more relatives, conflicting plans, children, your spouse might die, and annoying habits that your spouse may have emerge, in most relationships these can all be overcome in time as divorce stats indicate, society is not yet to the point where for every marriage there is a coinciding divorce. "A correlation rises from low incomes, increased uncertainty and fear, and increased personal frustration. These factors put family life under a strain and lead to an increase in child and spouse abuse."1 If these new challenges cannot be overcome then a broken home is the most common result. A broken family can generate in different ways, death, separation, divorce. These are the most common but not all possible reasons for a broken home. There are two ways to observe a break in a fa mily: Husband-wife and Parent- Child. "In addition, less than one-third (31%) of the inmates were married at the time of admission to a correctional facility, compared with almost two-thirds (63%) of adults aged 18 and over in the general population."2 The death of a partner can cause an unstable mind in a surviving spouse and their children. Widowed people are chiefly older, so crime is a smaller more limited problem with the survivors. Younger widows tend to migrate to different cities, females generally moving west and males moving east. This migration, as we will call it, of widowed women overcrowding cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington cause desperate males to follow women to these cities. Knowing that widows are usually left with money through life insurance policies and inheritance from their deceased partners, less fortunate people envy the cash and see the dense population of female widows as being easy victims. Th... ...d Bade, Robin Macroeconomics Canada in the Global Environment Addison - Wesley Publishers Limited Don Mills, ONT. 1997 pg. 505 Sylvester Jr. Sawyer F. The Heritage of Modern Criminology Schenkam Publishing Company Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1972 Sinclair, Roberta L. and Boe, Roger Male Young Offenders in Canada: Recent Trends Research Branch Correctional Services Canada. 1998 Taylor, Jo-Anne and Atkins, Christine Models of Family among Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Offenders. Correctional Research and Development Correctional Services Canada. 1993 Tierney, John Criminology: theory & context Prentice Hall/ Harvester Wheatsheaf Hertfordshire 1996 Uzoaba, Julius H. E. Managing Older Offenders; Where Do We Stand? Research Branch Correctional Services Canada. 1998 Vanderburg, Susan A. Weekes, John R. and Millson,William A. Native Offender Substance Abuse Assessment: The Computerized Lifestyle Assessment Instrument Research and Statistics Branch Correctional Services Canada. 1994 Author Unknown A Profile of Inmates in Adult Correctional Facilities Statistics Canada, The Daily, Thursday, June 4, 1998

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Infectious Disease :: science

Infectious Disease What is the stake of the American People and the Government by International Agencies to control Infectious Disease in Developing Countries? More people are at risk of infectious diseases than at any other time on history. Infectious diseases are worldwide problem requiring worldwide attention. Infectious diseases can weaken the strength of a nation's resources. In developing nations this poses even a greater threat. Diseases are threatening the economic stability of many developing nations. 50,000 people die everyday from infectious disease. Rift Valley Fever infects both livestock and humans. Rift Valley Fever is most commonly found in regions of eastern and southern Africa. It also exists in Madagascar and sub-Saharan Africa. The Bunyaviridae family includes the Rift Valley Fever disease. It is primarily spread from infected mosquitoes, who then infect animals. Generally they infect domestic animals, such as buffalo, cattle, sheep, camels and goats. Once the livestock are infected, other mosquitoes can spread the disease. It is also possible that the infection can be spread from other biting insects. The Rift Valley Fever outberak of 1997-1998 in eastern Africa killed both humans and livestock. It economically hurt trase in animals and the dairy indusrty.. the economy was crushed by trade imbargoes. Humans can get Rift Valley Fever in numerous ways. Humans can be infected from the mosquitoes or the bodily fluids of the infected animal. Contact such as slaughtering the infected animal can occur also. Symptoms include, an infuenza like illness, fever, liver abnormalities, muscle and back pain and vomitting. In the early stages of Rift Valley Fever, these symptoms are some times mistaken for meningitis. This fever may also perceive itself to be haemorrhagic fever. Fatalities occur mostly in patients who have developed haemorrhagic fever. In diagnosing Rift Valley Fever, tests have demostrated the presence of antibodies to the disease. Studies in animals have given antiviral drugs for the use of humans. Herdsman and animal workers in areas where Rift Valley Fever is present are at a greater risk of being infected. The risk of transmission can be reduced by, wearing gloves, insect repellent, the use of protective clothes, and avoiding outdoor activity during peak biting times. Surveillance is important to form effective measures for reducing the number of infections. Cholera is a diarrheal illness that is spread by contaminated water and food. It is caused by an infection of the intestine, and in many cases it can be very severe.

Monday, September 16, 2019

ASsignment in Science

Epiglottis It's a flap that covers the opening to your lungs while you're swallowing so you don't inhale food. . Coughing When you cough you are either releasing mucous or germs or some other Irritant In the lungs. E. Incomplete rings of Trachea Prevent the trachea and bronchioles from collapsing and closing up. F. Fat and protein film lining the Inner wall of the alveoli Surfactant In the alveoli causes them to effectively stay open during the whole respiration/breathing process.When there is lack of surfactant the alveoli can collapse on themselves causing less surface area for gas exchange, hence causing breathing difficulties/shortness of breath due to the decreased ability for oxygen exchange. G. Pleura& lymph between he two layers They play a critical role In immunological responses in both local and systemic diseases. It is positioned to respond to inflammatory changes in the lung permanency. The pleura functions not only as a mechanical barrier, but also as an Immunological a nd metabolically responsive membrane that is Involved in maintaining a dynamic homeostasis in the pleural space. . Rib cage The rib cage are a set of bones radiating from the Thoracic region of the vertebral column (not to be confused with the vertebral cord which is located inside the vertebral column). These bones are the ribs and sternum (or breast bone). They form a cage like structure around the very delicate organs such as the heart and the lungs. Not only do they protect these organs, but they also support them, keeping them In place. Without the rib cage, your organs would all fall out of place. 2014 Grade and Section: Aphrodite Instructor: Mr. Eugene Vernal 1 OFF 2.How does the internal respiration differ from the external respiration? External respiration is the exchange of gases between the alveoli and lung capillaries. Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood, while carbon dioxide moves from the blood in the alveoli. Internal respiration, in contrast, is the excha nge of gases in body tissues 3. What is a Third Hand Smoke? Third hand smoke is generally considered to be residual nicotine and other chemicals left on a variety of indoor surfaces by tobacco smoke. 4.What are some of the diseases caused by smoking? Cardiovascular Diseases- the main cause of death due to smoking. Hardening of the arteries is a process that develops over years, when cholesterol and other fats deposit in the arteries, leaving them narrow, blocked or rigid. When the arteries narrow (atherosclerosis), blood clots are likely to form. Cancer- Smokers are more keel to get cancer than non-smokers. This is particularly true of lung cancer, throat cancer and mouth cancer, which hardly ever affect non-smokers.Lung Diseases- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COOP) is a collective term for a group of conditions that block airflow and make breathing more difficult. 5. Explain the mechanisms of breathing in human. Mechanisms of breathing inspiration When you breathe in: inte rcessor muscles between the ribs contract, pulling the chest walls up and teethe diaphragm muscle below the lungs contracts and flattens, increasing the size of the chest the lungs increase in size, so the pressure inside hem falls. This causes air to rush in through the nose or mouth.Mechanisms of breathing expiration When you breathe out: Intercessor muscles between the ribs relax so that the chest walls move in and down. The diaphragm muscle below the lungs relaxes and bulges up, reducing the size of the chest. The lungs decrease in size, so the pressure inside increases and air is pushed up the trachea and out through the nose or mouth. 2014 Grade and Section: 9-Aphrodite 6. Why are lungs considered as both respiratory as well as excretory organs? Lungs are the main organ of the respiratory system where gas exchange takes place. F something. . Name 2 Respiratory Diseases. How can they be prevented, detected and treated Names of the Respiratory Diseases How can they Prevented How can they Detected (What are the symptoms) How can they be Treated a. Lung Cancer -Don't smoke. -Stop smoking -Avoid second hand smoke Test -Avoid carcinogens at work -Eat a diet full of fruits and vegetables. -a cough that doesn't go away after two or three weeks. -a long-standing cough that gets worse. -persistent chest infections. -coughing up blood. -an ache or pain when breathing or coughing. -persistent breathlessness. 1 .Non small cell lung cancer can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or a combination of these, depending on the stage when the cancer is diagnosed. Some people with advanced lung cancer may have biological therapy. There is information below about the treatment of non-small cell cancer by stage. B. Asthma -Learn about your asthma and ways to control it. – Use medicines as your doctor prescribes. -Get regular check-ups for your asthma. Asthma symptoms, which include coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness, are common in an asthma attack. -Medicines -Follow an Asthma Action Plan -Record Your Symptoms

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sahil KOLB s assignment

If I place score grades on different words been Provided, then the best scores are in Scale AWE and CE, on the other hand, the least scores are in OR and AC. Furthermore; after subtracting AC by CE and AWE by OR, results are -3 and 11. Therefore I fall in a category of Assimilates who instead of feeling, they think and then apply their strategies. Basically am a visual and creative learner because of the fact that can learn things easily in a visualized Surroundings instead of more theoretical, I prefer o observe things and then learn and apply in future. M always been keen interested in involving myself in creative task because I can explore my talent in more Better way. According to Kola's Learning Model, have random abilities such as Abstract Conceptualization And Reflective Observation that means I learn things which are based on particular concepts and observation in a reasonable and logical way. I think that the best way to learn is through concentrating on lectures because We can observe various concepts and moreover by involving our self in ample number of task, discussions, ProjectsAs per KOLA'S CHART, I being as assimilates who is more closer to Converge and Diverged because as we Know that in diverged, they also has qualities of reflective observation in which, they prefer to watch and learn through discussing and brainstorming but as compared to assimilates they always feel instead of thinking. Apart from diverged, assimilates is also close to converge, who also share abstract conceptualization; that means, they also prefer to think instead of feeling. Converges also believe in learning skills through Motivation and concepts. But converges always prefer in doing instead of giving priorities in observing things.They also believe in pursuing learning skills through lectures, projects, papers etc. Furthermore; According to the results, I being as assimilates is totally against Accommodated because of the reason that they prefer to learn through feeling and doing. Moreover they also have abilities of concrete experience and active experimentation which are not included in Assimilates, as they believe in thinking and observing things instead of feeling and doing. Apart from that, Somehow Assimilates is inter-related to converge and diverged , as they share some abilities During their learning.Assimilation's are less interested in doing things without observing them because of the fact that they want results accurate and logical, so that they can easily understand things in a shorter time. All in all; according to my past academic records, I learnt things more logically, visually and through auditory Skills. I feel that I am more present-oriented who can explore easily through guidance and motivation. Whenever observe things from more visualized environment, it helps me to understand in more practical way.

Christopher Columbus; Hero or Villain Essay

In 1492, Christopher Columbus, discovered America. More than 500 years later Columbus Day is a national holiday. Statues are up, even in Pueblo, and thanks are given for what he has done for us. We learn about him in grade school and we are told of his brave adventures. However twenty years later in my first history class another picture is being painted of Columbus; not from my History book, but from my teacher. I thought it was interesting to be learning these conflicting views of him and researched the facts. Apparently a lot of people feel the same way†¦Christopher Columbus was a villain. Nearly 500 years ago Christopher Columbus carved a new path for Spaniards, which opened up a world of terror and death for the natives of this land, America. We now know that Christopher Columbus did not discover America this is indisputable. What is disputable is what he truly did when he came over to America. To get a better understanding of what was going on with Columbus in late 1400s I will give some back story. During those times, commercial ventures were being offered and Columbus had previous experience being on ships so he saw the opportunity to exploit his beliefs. Christopher believed that the world was round and if he sailed east he could make it to the Indies. What he did not know was how long it would take him to get there. He was alone with his first son, Diego, and set out to get funding for his voyages. He went to Queen Isabella and King Fernando and asked if they would fund him. They said they would need to look into it further. Priests and scholars studied and researched his idea for six years while Columbus and his son followed them to wherever they may travel. Columbus was finally told no his idea was foolish and the earth was too big to sail that way. He continued with his beliefs and tried to change their mind. He presented his idea two more times to no avail. As Carol Gallagher describes  in her Biography of Columbus â€Å"he became a joke at court†. (Gallagher) At last, after the third attempt and being rejected, Columbus rode away on his mule. Only to be caught up with by a messenger of Queen Isabella, he was told that they had changed their mind and would accept the proposal. They granted him three ships with 90 men. Finally Christopher could right his name and prove that he was not a joke. With years of being mocked, and laughed at Columbus had a lot to live up to. Christopher was now feeling righteous in his quest and asked that he be named ‘Admiral of the Ocean Sea’ and a tenth of all riches found to be his. The Queen and King agreed. The voyage had taken thirty-three days to reach land on America. Which Christopher believed it to be the Indies. Christopher writes in his journals his first impression of the natives; he writes that they are naked and young with shapely bodies. The Admiral said that they would be good servants and could learn their language quickly. Columbus named every piece of land they came upon and put up big flags. He claimed it all for Spain; never mind the thousands of people already living there, it was now Spain’s. They took six of the native’s captive to bring home to the Queen. Christopher had seen some men wearing gold rings on their legs and arms and took them to show him where the rest of the gold was. However the natives could not show them directly and Columbus believed they were lying. Columbus wrote to the King and Queen and told them â€Å"There are many spices and great mines of gold and of other metals.†(Gallagher), this was in fact a lie. Columbus did not find mines of gold, he did receive a gold belt and felt the Natives where lying to him about the rest of the gold. He decided to return home and get more supplies and men. When he returned to Spain the King and Queen where pleased and wanted more of the riches of the land. I think that the rest of Columbus endeavors to the New World are fueled by greed and an ignorant notion that God gave him this right. When he returned to America, which he thought was the Indies, he returned with 1,200 men and seventeen ships. Gallagher writes in her Biography â€Å"He was given authority to rule. The ships carried soldiers to conquer the Indians, priests to convert them to Christianity, farmers, guard dogs, and farm  animals†(Gallagher), he meaning Columbus. So he now intends to go back to America and take what he wants. However he could not find gold mines or riches. He built a fort in a mosquito infested area and hundreds of his men got sick and died from Malaria. The Natives met them with great resistance and also died by the hundreds from small pox and cruel captors. In 1502, which is ten years after Columbus’s first discovery of America, Spain adopted and made official a policy that Columbus had created, encomienda. What this system meant was an Indian village, all people of 14 years or older could be safe for a period of 3 months with a token. At the end of the 3 months they had to pay with enough gold to satisfy the tribute. If they did not pay them, the natives would get their hands cut off or worse be murdered. The Wikipedia describes this as follows; â€Å"Encomienda was a legal system that was employed mainly by the Spanish crown during the Spanish colonization of the Americas to regulate Native American labor and autonomy†. (Wikipedia) The encomienda system was horrible. It was created by Columbus, in order to get gold. However the system was kept by other conquistadors all over America in the early 1500’s. This is a quote from Van Serima â€Å"They are not, as most of us would like to believe, voyages of discovery. But they are of great significance since they changed the character of the whole world, both the old world and the new.† (Serima 75) What Serima is saying is that Columbus did not discover a New World but a new way of getting what you want when you have more power. There is a big issue of race and differences being ignored by the conquistadors and Spain. So much life and tradition tossed away for selfish purpose, and was done in the name of God. The Encomienda system was not the worst of it; they sold girls as young as 9 to 10 for sex slaves. Here is a piece he wrote in his journal on the subject â€Å"A hundred castellanoes are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general and there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten are now in demand†.(Kasum) Columbus had set out to discover the Indies, which was fueled by his love for Marco Polo and his stories of adventures. Instead he discovered an old world and made it his own while killing off everything in his wake. Whether or not Columbus was holding a smoking gun, he definitely had un-locked the gate for others to follow in his self fulfilling prophecy. Armitage, D states that â€Å"Columbus himself was not always asked to carry the  can for the ill-effects of the encounter between the Old World and the New, but there have always been those who have used reflections upon 1492 for their own ends.†(Armitage) this is true everyday in America, and even more so now. Even in our school system, if you are one sixteenth Native American you get some special grant. This is kind of Bizarre to me, Native Americans have not been enslaved for at least a century and have every right we do in America, if not more. This proves that when Columbus and the Conquistadors came things where so bad for the Natives they still need special treatment. Whether or not Columbus is to blame for the way things are for Natives today I do not know, however I do know that the way things where in the early 1500’s Columbus could be blamed for. It was a new world for Columbus and he treated his ‘discovery’ with such disdain, that other follo wers took his lead. Great leaders are people like Edwin Hubble or Martin Luther King. People who have ideas that make us a greater nation, not people who find a new land and kill everyone in it in order to impress the Queen and King. An article I read that was written by two non-ethusastic followers of Columbus believe that Columbus day should not be a day we celebrate at all â€Å"That infamous day should certainly not be celebrated by anyone, especially by local, state, and national governments. Let us not fall into the trap of letting the discussions around this travesty of a holiday revolve around the specific number of people killed.†(Tinker) When I reflect back on everything I have learned in history and even Christopher Columbus, it points to war or some major oppression for every turning point. In my opinion Christopher Columbus was a man of his times who often got things wrong; his morals went sour in the face of the King and the Queen but he led the way for his people into a new world. In his own mind he died a failure, and is later dying a failure in the hearts of America. Works Cited Armitage, D. â€Å"Christopher Columbus And The Uses Of History.† History Today 42.5 (1992): 50. Academic Search Premier. Web. 24 Sept. 2013. Gallagher, Carole. â€Å"Christopher Columbus And The Discovery Of The New World.† Christopher Columbus & The Discovery Of The New World (2000): 6-13. History Reference Center. Web. 24 Sept. 2013. Kasum Eric l October 10, 2010 Tinker, Tink, and Mark Freeland. â€Å"Thief, Slave Trader, Murderer: Christopher Columbus And Caribbean Population Decline.† Wicazo Sa Review 1 (2008): 25. JSTOR Arts & Sciences VII. Web. 24 Sept. 2013. Van Sertima, Ivan1. â€Å"Amendments To Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee Act: Hearing Before The Subcommittee On Census And Population Of The Committee On Post Office And Civil Service, House Of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, First Session On H.R. 2309,..† Journal Of Pan African Studies 5.8 (2012): 74-84. OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson). Web. 24 Sept. 2013. Wikipedia, 19 September 2013 at 21:23.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Race and Racism Essay

In comparison to the almighty universe in which people all live in, human beings are merely a speck of dust at the size of it all. Then here are these beings on planet earth, with all 7 billion people under the same moon, divided. No longer are human equals as beings, but separate because of the system of ignorance, exploitation, and power used to oppress people on the basis of ethnicity, culture, mannerisms, and culture (Marable 1). Racism is the issue Americans have swept under the rug; the problem is being ignored, leaving cultures in the dark of their own history causing blame to be shifted on to all sorts of hosts, and it’s time to pick up the rug to dust. Society as a whole seems to have broken down what makes a person unique, dehumanizing them and leaving them susceptible to oppression (Marable 2). One must not be so quick to forget that every single human being is made up of the same genetic material, to forget something so broad is to undermine the gift of thinking itself. Manning Marable writes in Racism and Sexism that stereotypes are at the heart of every form of racism today. Racism is not a topic that sits around at the front of everybody’s brain. Racism does not twist on the tip of your tongue begging to be talked about. Racism is something that is ignored and denied. Shocking statistics from Tim Wise’s On White Privilege were discussed, stating that in 1962, 80% of white folk believed that racism was not even a problem. In the same year, 90% of white folk believed that colored children had equal education opportunities as white children. To believe that racism was not even a problem would be to say that over the 750 race riots 228 people were not actually killed, 12,741 people were not critically injured, and that the 15,000 acts of arson did not leave black urban neighborhoods in ruins, in the same year of 1962 (Postrel). White people are completely unburdened by race; where as colored people constantly feel their capabilities are always being second guessed. However, Charles M. Blow, author of Escaping Slavery, explains to the reader that apparently white people think their actions are justified! And Blow goes as far as to say that â€Å"the idea that progress toward radical harmony would or should be steady and continuous is fraying† (Blow 1). In On White Privilege, the speaker Tim Wise pointed out that white people were asked in 2009 if they believed that racial discrimination is still a problem and only 6% said ‘yes. ’ To put that into perspective: more people would believe that Elvis is still alive than to believe that racial discrimination is still a problem (Wise). Perhaps the density of the universe compromised the carrying capacity of the human brain causing a malfunction making it so the only thing people can think about is them self. Definitely not progress (Blow 2). The white system of ignorance and exploitations is causing the cultures of color to completely lose track of their own histories (Marable). People who are oppressed themselves begin to lose touch with their own traditions of history, community, love, celebrations, struggle, and change (Marable). Tim Wise reminds viewers whose history we are truly learning in school- text books are filled only with white history; people of color are forced to regurgitate white history, white literature, white art, white theater, etc. , while if a white person does not know an ounce of black history, it can go virtually unnoticed in this country (Wise). Actions speak louder than words and people seem to continue to prove their ignorance. As part of the Civil Rights Movement and an effort to create a solution to unlawful discrimination in housing based on race, color, sex, nation origin, or religion, the Fair Housing Act was passed in 1968 (Russell). Fast forward 38 years later where 2006 showed the highest level of discriminating housing complaints based on race (Wise). 38 whole years later and the only thing society can show on terms of progress is the lack of acceptance being distributed around the country. There is not enough change taking place as a country in order to move forward into truly being the United States of America; home of the Brave but we still fear what we do not know. It is always easier to accuse other forces for a problem than to admit that you are actually making the mess yourself. It has been said that if one is not a part of the solution then one is a part of the problem; however, some people are purely unburdened by race, they don’t know racism because they have never had to experience it- people are completely surrounded by and completely oblivious of the problem. Failure to talk about racism feeds the denial (Wise). The finger can be pointed in any direction, and instead of calling it â€Å"blame† the word â€Å"cause† is used instead because that is more constructive, and let’s face it, we need as much progress as we can get. However, progress seems to be unbearably intangible when Blow points out that the pillars of the institution- the fundamental devaluation of dark skin and stained justifications are for the unconscionable- have proved surprisingly resilient (Blow). The ignorance and lack of education only feeds the pillars’ strength. Completely blinded by utter fear, America seems to be in a standstill of progress towards the issue on racism. Starting with Charles Blow’s work in Escaping Slavery, down to Manning Marable’s Racism and Sexism, and what Tim Wise said in On White Privilege, it can be assumed that progress will always need to be made to bring this country closer to unity. Breaking down racial barriers and stereotypes have proven to be an especially lengthy process, however that does not justify the slothfulness of it all. Open minds and hearts is what it is going to take to shatter the structure that leaves this country divided. Word Count: 1,100 Works Cited Blow, Charles. â€Å"Escaping Slavery. † New York Times 4 January 2013. Marable, Manning. â€Å"Racism and Sexism. † Race, Class, and Gender in the United States, 5th ed. Ed. Paul Rothenberg. New York: Worth Publishers, 2001. 124-129. Pring. Wise, Tim. On White Privilege: Racism, White Denial, and the Costs of Inequality. The Media Education Foundation, 2008. DVD. Postrel, Virginia. â€Å"The Consequences of the 1960’s Race Riots Come Into View. † The New York Times. N. p. , 30 Dec. 2004. Web. 18 Feb. 2013.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Technology and the Future of the Hotel Industry Research Paper

Technology and the Future of the Hotel Industry - Research Paper Example In the last decade, Information Technology did change the lodging industrys plans, controls, and manages operations. The growing demands in the hotel industry are very many the demands are largely brought about by globalization, increased security threats and needed for controls in business (Solomon, 2008). The hotel industry is starting to use kiosks and self-service technologies to change the hotel industry (Solomon, 2008). Through globalization, technology has had great impacts on the hospitality industry several ways: organizational culture, management styles and organizational structure. These three ways shape up how an organization is set up from its decision-making offices to the operations department (Solomon, 2008). This paper, therefore, seeks to draw important regions upon which technology influences the hotel industry. Proper insight will focus mainly on operations, and customer experiences and relations in the hotel environment. It is a report and not a research paper as it may seem to appear. Hotel industry is affected by various issues regarding security from a global to a local perspective respectively. The ability to assure a tourist that, they are safe in a given destination can mean a lot to the proprietors of a given hotel business line (Solomon, 2008). Security threats have made the industry suffer several setbacks that can only translate into losses worth billions of dollars (Kasavana and Cahill, 2003). Travel bans are offered to countries with such security issues, and they incur up to millions of dollars in losses, which can only mean that even the internal operations of such a countrys hotel is affected. Back at home, when the hotel is prone to high instances of theft, and robbery consumers of their products feel more paranoid to visit such establishment (Kasavana and Cahill, 2003). It can only mean that such organizations are closed, and jobs

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Holocaust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Holocaust - Essay Example Germany lost battle during the war. The German economy dropped drastically. Apparently, the Germans started developing hatred towards the Jews since most of them, at that time were well off. Hitler was among those who had an extreme hatred for the Jews. He tried unsuccessfully to vie for presidency in Germany. However, he occupied a leadership position in the German governing system. It was through that position that he started spreading the message of hate towards the Jews. In 1933, Hitler rose to power and introduced anti-Semitism that meant hatred towards to Jews. He introduced holocaust that lead to the death of 6 million Jews. This paper will attempt to explain activities that took place during the Holocaust. It is obvious that many Jews and some Germans perished the atrocious events that happened during the reign of Hitler. Apparently, Hitler did not commit the activities alone. He received support from collaborators who did not like the Jews. Moreover, due to his experience, e ducation, and influence he was able to lure people and collaborators to join his quest. According to most articles considering events that took place during the holocaust it is difficult to explain the causes of Holocaust. However, many factors supported it and contributed largely to atrocious activities that took place during Hitler reign. Some of the factors that influenced holocaust dates back when Jesus Christ was alive and living in Israel, home to many Jews (Walters, 2009). After the death of Christ, most people across the world, including the Germans, developed hatred towards the Jews. Germans viewed them as the people responsible for the death of Jesus. Many Germans are Christians. Therefore, most of them believed in the message communicated by Jesus. For this reason, they grew hatred when they met those related to Jesus murderers. According to the most Germans, they were revenging for Jesus Christ. At a young age, especially after First World War,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Walt Disney Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Walt Disney Company - Essay Example In general the team had pretty good track record of delivering the assigned tasks on time with exception of some minor incidents. The team had strengths and weaknesses that affected the performance of the group. One of the strengths of the team was that it did not waste any time in choosing a topic for the project. This enabled the team to quickly start working on the topic. Another strength of the team was its communication process. The team often utilized emails to communicate with each other. The use of emails was very effective because it allowed the members of the team to exchange information instantly. The members of the team communicated well during meetings. The organization of the team was also very good. Everybody was assigned their own part so we would not have any incidents. The teammate that worked the hardest in the team was Jay. He did more work because every one emailed their part to him and he had to connect and correct all of them before making the final paper. He d eserves a lot of credit for his tremendous work efforts. The weaknesses of the team can be best described by evaluating the work behavior of the members. Shane did a pretty good job, but one time he submitted his part late. Despite his mistake the team was not hurt. The weakest link on the team was Alana. Alana was a problematic teammate that often acted unprofessionally with her antics. Alana contributed fairly to the topic, but it seemed like she always choose the easy part to do. My assessment of Alana is that sometimes she did not take the work seriously. She often laughed at all times about any topic whether it was good or bad. She did not seem to realize that her antics were annoying to the group. She also had the bad habit of nail biting. Another thing is she acted like a child when she kept knocking her pen on the table nonstop during the class and group meeting time. My role in the group was to bring up ideas and make some suggestions at the time we choose topic. I also sub mitted my work on time despite the fact that I had a hard time due to personal problems. I had to come back to my country due to an emergency to resolve a problem. If the team had to work together again next semester I would make changes by establishing ground rules to follow during the team’s initial meeting. I would also increase the amount of meetings during the project to improve the planning and the communication process. The team achieved a coordinated effort. This was accomplished by meeting regularly and by each member being accountable for their actions. The leadership function of the team was not clearly defined, but the team member that showed the most leadership was Jay. I also informally provided leadership to my team by leading through example. I always supported my teammates during the project. I helped my teammates by giving them ideas on how to proceed with their assigned tasks. I was able to build a sense of trust with most of my teammates except with Alana. Her childish behavior made me think she would be an irresponsible teammate. In the end she actually delivered her assigned tasks and performed a fair job. Since leadership roles were not clearly defined by the team I can honesty say that the team exercise did not help me that much in building my leadership abilities. I did not feel compromised by the team because the work was evenly distributed. The team did not experience any major conflicts that would have compromised the project deliverables. The tasks performed by the group were

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Osama bin Laden Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Osama bin Laden - Research Paper Example However, many people believe that America is responsible for the making of Osama as a hard core criminal. America has given training to Osama and his allies to fight against the former Soviet communist regime in Afghanistan. They educated Osama that communism is the enemy of Islam and expelling communism form the soil of Afghanistan is necessary for sustaining Islamic beliefs in Afghanistan. America did succeed in exploiting the in depth belief of Osama in Islamic beliefs and the Soviet Union forced to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan as a result of the efforts of Osama and Taliban groups. When America was giving training to Osama on terrorist activities, they never thought about the possibilities that one day Osama may use his power against them also. In other words, America’s efforts to attack communism through Osama, hit them back just like a boomerang. This paper analyses the development of Osama Bin Laden as the most wanted criminal in the world most wanted criminal i n the world. Osama Bin Laden was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on March 10, 1957. His father was a close friend of the ruling royal family which helped him to establish the Bin Laden group of companies. Immediately after the birth of Osama, his parents got divorced and brought up under the single parent control. During his childhood, he was a normal child who has shown immense interests in religious activities. In Saudi Arabia, it was allowed to the Muslims to marry as much as girls. Osama’s father had ten wives while Osama started his multi marriage activities at the age of 17 by marrying Najwa Ghanem. He has completed his schooling from Al Thanger model school, and graduated in economics and business administration from King Abdul Aziz University. There are some reports which show that he has taken a civil engineering degree also. In any case, it is agreed by all the people who know Osama that he was a hard working person who has shown many interests in religious beliefs and also in interpreting teachings of Quran and jihad. According to Osama Bin Laden, â€Å"Jihad gives licence to indulge in all sorts of aggravated sins†1. He was succeeded in giving different interpretations to the word Jihad. He thought that jihad is the licence given to human or Muslims by God or Allah to fight against all kinds of evil acts, taught by Islam. The struggles Muslim people suffered, at different parts of the world were considered by Osama as the result of evil acts committed against Islam. He started to view all the political activities and religious clashes happening at different parts of the world against Islam as convincing reasons for conducting jihad. According to Osama’s wife Najwa Bin Laden, â€Å"No one in Osama’s family took umbrage at Osama’s political awareness and religiosity. Osama was highly praised for his keen interest in supporting Islam†2. In other words, nobody in Osama’s family though that Osama’s be liefs, views and opinions may one day shape in its present forms. Everybody thought that like most of the other Saudi people, Osama is also preaching something about jihad; but nobody thought that Osama may practice it in real life in future. Osama was adamant in his beliefs in Sharia laws. He was of the view that the destruction of Sharia laws is the major reason for the problems in Muslim world. Osama started talk consistently about the necessities of

Monday, September 9, 2019

A Report on Reasons why Governments Prefer Financial Systems featuring Essay

A Report on Reasons why Governments Prefer Financial Systems featuring Fixed - Essay Example On the other hand, a floating rate of exchange is the one that is moving and received currency depends on exchange time.To maintain their local exchange rate, central banks of European Union members bought and sold their own currency in foreign exchange markets, and in return, they acquired their pegged currency. For example, if the value of a single local unit currency is US$4, the central bank ensures that those dollars can be supplied in market by the country. High foreign reserve levels are required so as to maintain the rates (Eichengreen & Ricardo, 1999). High foreign reserve levels also ensure that there is good money supply thus preventing inflation/ deflation. An exchange rate refers to the rate at which one currency is exchanged for another. Therefore, it is the value of a country’s currency in terms of another. From 1870 to 1914, the global exchange rate was fixed. During that time, currency was likened to gold, implying that a local currency’s value was set at a fixed exchange rate that was determined in terms of gold ounces, that is, the gold standard (Eichengreen & Ricardo, 1999). This allowed free capital mobility and global stability in trade and currencies. The gold standard was abandoned when World War II started, but the end of the Second World War, the Breton Woods conference sought for efforts to stabilize the global economy and increasing global trade by establishing basic regulations and rules that governed international exchange. This led to the establishment of International Monetary Fund (IMF) for foreign trade promotion and monetary stability maintenance of countries and hence of the global economy. It was agreed that the exchange rate would be fixed, in terms of the US dollars, which was then pegged to gold (US$35 per ounce) (Obstfeld & Kenneth, 1995). This means that a currency’s value was directly converted in terms of its value to the US dollar. For example, to buy a euro, the Euros had to be converted into US dollars, and then into gold value. This peg was maintained till 1971, US dollar could not hold the pegged rate value of US$ 35per gold ounce. Since then, many governments adopted the floating rate system and attempts of returning to gold like a peg together with a global peg were completely abandoned. Why Governments Prefer Fixed/ Pegged Exchange Rates Governments prefer fixed exchange rates because they ensure economic stability, especially in current developing nations, where a country can decide to fix its currency in order to stabilize the atmosphere thus ensuring foreign investment. This is because a peg gives the investors their investment value, thus relieving them from fluctuation worries unlike under a float (Calvo, 2002). A pegged currency also helps in lowering inflation rates and generating demand, which further increases a currency’s stability confidence. However, fixed regimes can cause serious financial crises because it is hard to maintain a peg in the long r un. This was experienced in 1995 in Mexico, 1997 in Asia and Russia. Therefore, the governments could not meet the demands of a high value for their currencies to the peg resulting into overvaluing of their currencies. With panic and speculations, investors quickly removed their money out of these countries, and convert it to foreign currencies before the local currency was devalued against the peg. Eventually, foreign currencies became depleted. In Mexico, the government devalued the peso by 29.98%. Eventually, in Thailand, the government eventually allowed floating of

Sunday, September 8, 2019

It would not be possible to create a global corporate governance code Essay

It would not be possible to create a global corporate governance code - Essay Example Over the several years ago, the major issue in corporate governance is a convergence' that has attracting many scholars and commentators in business field. The main reasons behind this approach are; the trend of globalization across the world and financial scandals that happened in many countries globally1. Most comparatives in this area have claimed that one or the other model is economically superior and that, over time, we should see convergence towards this model of best practice'. Although the shareholder model was heavily criticized in the early 1990s for the tendencies to under-invest and focus on short-term result2, at present the majority view is that the shareholder model will prevail due to the increasing dominance of institutional investors on international capital markets3. The convergence discussion focuses upon whether the increasing internationalization of capital markets and commerce will and should result in the harmonization of corporate governance standards across national boundaries. ... eavily criticized in the early 1990s for the tendencies to under-invest and focus on short-term result2, at present the majority view is that the shareholder model will prevail due to the increasing dominance of institutional investors on international capital markets3.The convergence discussion focuses upon whether the increasing internationalization of capital markets and commerce will and should result in the harmonization of corporate governance standards across national boundaries. Within this discussion, some scholars and policymakers tout conversion as imminent, inevitable, and invaluable4. Others expect harmonization of national corporate governance standards to be slowed by path-dependent factors such as local cultural values and the broader political and legal economics of the nation- state5.In addition to these differences of view pertaining to expected rates of convergence in term of its source. Some anticipate that convergence will be a formal matter, stemming from chang e that would align countries' positive law with one another6. Still others rely upon a more functional view of convergence, nothing that positive law is often trumped by effects of soft' law such exchange listing standards, voluntary corporate codes of conduct, and other business and regulatory norms7.What has been characterised as convergence is a discussion of Anglo-American domination. Convergence, after all, means to move or be directed toward each other or toward the same place, purpose, or result'8. The only significant movement in Anglo-American corporate governance standards, however, is an exported commodity being sold to both developed and developing nations9. Moreover, these domination tendencies are not confined solely to academic. For