Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Thomas Paine s Argument For Writing Common Sense - 915 Words

Thomas Paine published Common Sense in January of 1776, and was a motive that pushed for America to gain freedom from British rule. Paine used Common Sense as way to explain to the Colonist just what Britain was doing to the colonies and what they were stopping them from achieving. Paine used language that colonist used in everyday life so that it was more appealing to them. Being that it was wrote in an easy to understand language and stated what colonist wanted to hear it appealed to everyone such as soldiers, laborers, and all common people of the colonies. Thomas Paine main motive for writing Common Sense was for it to be used as a persuasion tool to get America to revolt against Britain and become a separate country. I found many points that explain why Paine wrote his pamphlets. Paine simply was sick of British rule on the colonies and by writing his pamphlets was an easy and effective way to speak to the colonist. Paine was telling the American colonist that they have the resources and every right to rule themselves rather than be ruled by someone half way across the globe. Paine’s main reason for remaining anonymous was because of the treasonable content. I also believe Paine choose to stay anonymous because he may have been scared of losing trust of colonist and being looked down upon. Many colonist thought that separating from Britain was going to create a war. Paine refers to society and government throughout his pamphlets. He states the differences by statingShow MoreRelatedHow Did Thomas Paine Influence The American Revolution795 Words   |  4 PagesThomas Paine was an England born political activist, theorist, philosopher and revolutionary. He was an influential writer of essays and pamphlets. His works included â€Å"The Age of Reason, â€Å"Rights of Man† and the widely known and well accepted â€Å"Common Sense†. 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