Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 essays

Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 essays Bitter controversies on a number of issues were revealed due to the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. There are political explanations of why these Acts were passed which center primarily around the state of foreign relations. Two parties of the day, the Democratic-Republic and the Federalists were initially in support of the constitution that did not require a Bill of Rights, and only conceded in order to aid in the ratification of the Constitution. The Democratic-Republicans, with whom Thomas Jefferson was numbered were heavily fearful of a strong central government. HE was willing to allow the law to be used to his political advantage. He would later prosecute Federalists editors under this legislation, though he would allow the legislation to expire during his administration. James Madison wrote in The Virginia Report, 1800 that the Sedition Act was unconstitutional. In his view the first Amendment guaranteed an absolute freedom against the federal government, for no authority of the United States could abridge it. Madison did not support the sedition law. The act was criticized by Madison. In the speech in the House of Representatives on the proposed Sedition Act, Gallatin said that if sedition is an enemy of the Constitution, then its liable to punishment. The Bill should be used as a weapon by a party now in power. John Alien said that a conspiracy against the Constitution is formed. A man was always answerable for the malicious publication of falsehood. Hamilton thought that the Sedition Act may damage the civil war. Alien Act was passed along with the Sedition Act. The Alien Act gave power to the president. A Fourteen year residency period for aliens was required prior to naturalization as a citizen. IT also allowed the restraint and removal in time of war of resident adult aliens of the hostile nation. Hamilton had said that those who help the French were not Americans but fool, ...

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