Thursday, October 31, 2019

Model answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Model answer - Essay Example Welfare of people is often ignored while trading internationally as the major focus is on profits. A minority section gains maximum profit through the procedure who is not even citizens of the exploited nation. This is observed mainly in third world countries where people need to work under unfair conditions, with low wages or in unhealthy work environments, demonstrating the negative aspects of international trade (Stephen, 2011). The other negative issues are exhaustion and destruction of natural resources. It can also be stated that international trade increases dependencies amongst nations and enables supplying nation to exercise more power and impose trade restrictions on other nation, simply to achieve financial gains. Logistics can be defined as an effective management of the procedure through which resources are acquired, moved to different locations or stored as and when required. Logistics management encompasses identification of potential distributors and suppliers, and even evaluation of their effectiveness and accessibility so as to establish healthy relationships (Maloni and Benton, 2000). A logistic system comprises of various components such as customer service, transportation, inventory management, materials handling, storage, information processing, packaging, production planning, production planning, demand forecasting, facility location, purchasing and other related activities. These other activities for an organization can comprise of service support, effective handling of goods returned, maintenance functions and recycling operations (Fawcett and Magnan, 2002). A particular firm might not require all of the components to accomplish specific tasks. For instance, a service firm such as airlines encompasses elements such as maintenance, customer service, information processing, demand forecasting and purchasing functions so as to reach to the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

BARGAINING II - AT THE TABLE Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BARGAINING II - AT THE TABLE - Assignment Example The arising conflict issue for this paper is conflicts in performance review. There is no single employee who enjoys a negative review of his or her performance. However, it is difficult to avoid negative feedback depending on the actions of the employees during the time of the review. This is a major reason for workplace conflict in the organization. Employees become angry when they fail to get the expected pay rise, promotions, and any other performance related incentives. As a result, they lash out spreading their discontent through gossiping the management and having a negative attitude towards work. These employees often argue directly with their supervisors creating very tricky and sensitive situations that require effective communication methods to resolve. The underlying problem is the employees failing to maximize on their full potential in work due to negative performance review. In most cases, the employees trigger this negative feedback based on their actions during the period of the review. As a result, they end up getting angry with their supervisors and may even lash out at them. This creates a tricky situation that may worsen if not handled properly. Moreover, the employees might lose their jobs in the event that the situation worsens. The parties in conflict are the employees and the management or supervisors. Thus, the side I choose is that of the management or supervisors. It is up to the employees to ensure that their performance in the organization is up to the required standards of the organization. Failure to do so would result into a negative performance review that would not be taken lightly by the employees. In addition, there is no way a supervisor can give a positive performance review while the employee’s o utput is not satisfactory (Gramberg, 2006). The supervisors and the management exercised various forms of behavior during the discussion phase. One of them is

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Financial Abuse of the Elderly

Financial Abuse of the Elderly Combatting Financial Abuse Introduction Elder financial abuse is becoming a bigger threat and costly problem affecting elders and their families. As the older adult population in the U.S. continues to increase, so will the opportunities for unscrupulous criminals to take advantage of the wealth that many older adults have accumulated through their lifetime. While these crimes seem to be only committed by strangers, elder financial abuse is also committed by people who occupy traditional positions of trust, such as friends and relatives. Combatting financial elder abuse begins with getting the entire family and social network involved. Talk frequently with the elder.   Have they been approached by new friends lately? Have they been offered a recent unique opportunity? Listening closely enough, one will be able to spot and stop scams before they go too far. Importance to the study Financial losses due to fraud and abuse can undermine the ability of older adults to continue to live in their own homes and afford their long-term health care needs. This stress can take a great toll on the elder. Many older individuals experience increased health problems that can lead to serious depression all due to the increase in financial loses. Perhaps worse is the loss of trust older adults develop in others and themselves after being the victims of financial fraud. Financial Fraud is a Widespread Problem In 2015 alone, older adults lost a total of $36.5 billion because of financial fraud and scams. Seniors who are socially isolated and/or in mental decline can be especially susceptible. The abuse can leave victims traumatized as well as financially harmed, or even ruined. The fear is the problem could worsen since more than 10,000 Americans turn age 65 every day. An estimated one in five older adults has been the victim of financial fraud. Many of these victims are stripped of their assets and left with little to live on. Many of these victims rarely see their money returned even if the criminal is caught. And of course, many people dont report the crime at all. The Federal Trade Commission says one in 24 financial elder abuse crimes ever get reported. What are some statistics of Elder Financial Abuse? Most analysts go with the 2010 Investor Protection Trust Elder Fraud Survey which said one in five Americans over the age of sixty-five, has been victimized by a financial fraud and a 2011 MetLife Mature Market Institute study determining that financial exploitation costs seniors at least $2.9 billion annually. At the other end of the scale, True-Link, a company that provides account-monitoring software for elders and their families, has projected that financial elder abuse costs families more than $36 billion a year, 12 times the MetLife estimate. True-Link arrived at its estimate by surveying family caregivers of older people. Defining financial elder abuse is very difficult because of the wide estimates of what is considered financial elder abuse. Many know it’s a problem but how big the problem is quite hard to say, because hard data is so scarce. The reason for this scarcity is due to the fact financial abuse often goes unreported, because the victim often feels shame and embarrassment. This paper will explore financial abuse and how to combat financial abuse in the elderly population. Literature Review Many theories have been proposed to help explain financial elder abuse. Such theories have mainly been adapted from other fields such as child abuse and intimate partner abuse. Although the literature covers a wide variety of these theories, this review will focus on several major themes which emerge repeatedly though out the literature reviewed. These themes include: how prevalent is elder financial abuse, who is committing elder financial abuse, what effects does financial abuse have on its victims and what can be done to help prevent elder financial abuse. Although the literature presents these themes in a variety of contexts, this paper will primarily focus on their application to how devastating elder financial abuse can be to its victims. The prevalence of financial elder abuse is on the rise. As baby boomers are now in retirement criminals are taking advantage of this ever-increasing opportunity to steal from them. Burns, Henderson, Charles, Sheppard, Zhao, Pillemer and Lachs (2017) suggests that, â€Å"Approximately one of every 18 cognitively intact older adults living in the community experiences financial fraud or scam each year.† It is felt that elder financial abuse can be considered a sort of financial exploitation. This exploitation occurs when the perpetrator misuses or takes the elder’s money for their own personal benefit. This frequently happens without the knowledge or consent of a senior, depriving them of vital financial resources. The rising number of seniors only increases the opportunities for perpetrators to practice their art of stealing. The question that begs to be answered is who would do this to our most vulnerable generation? Perhaps the most tragic element of elder abuse is the fact that in many cases, the perpetrator is a trusted friend or family member whom the elderly person thinks is acting in their best interest. A popular way to gain access to the elder’s finances is through using the services of a lawyer. Lawyers need to be aware of the ways in which their services may be used by family members or caregivers as a means of financial abuse. Hannah (2016) say’s â€Å"Often, a lawyer may be asked to draft documents that provide an elderly persons family member or caregiver with an opportunity to steal the elderly person’s possessions. â€Å"A story was once told about a distraught sister,  convinced that her brother was stealing from their parents. The daughter was concerned because the son was given total control over their parent’s affairs. This gave him the legal authority to make both financial decisions without being accountable to anyone else and all healthcare decisions as well.   When asked if the daughter had called Adult Protective Services, she said, â€Å"no because she didn’t want to get her brother in trouble.† Perpetrators are not limited only to the ones the senior might know, there are others. Seniors control a major portion of the nation’s wealth. Thieves go where the money is and realize that the elderly often suffer from cognitive and physical disabilities and are vulnerable. Also, many seniors are socially isolated, lonely and have no one to consult with on financial matters thus making them susceptible to manipulation. Goergen and Beaulien (2010) explains, â€Å"Perpetrators pretend trustworthiness by posing as relatives when they call the elderly on the telephone or pose as craftsmen at victims’ doorstep, or they appeal to victims’ readiness to help by pretending to be a family member in a situation of distress and needing support.† Another sad story was told, when a man prompted an elderly woman to sell her home and wire the money to a mysterious bank account.  The man, who claimed to be communicating from another country, promised to marry her. It was all a scam. Today, the woman is homeless. When asked why she did that, she said, â€Å"well that’s what you do when you’re in love.† People committing financial fraud schemes are experts in deception, and very good at coming up with new ways to trick unsuspecting victims. They have learned to be experts in manipulation. Tacchino (2017) says in some cases, the elderly client feels responsible for what happened and they are too embarrassed to make a complaint. Suffering victimization can lead a senior to withdraw and have an increasing feeling of hopelessness. Faced with financial loss, some victims may contemplate suicide. Additionally, having money stolen in retirement can make it difficult for the elderly to afford needed medical care which can cause medical conditions to worsen. While it’s important to understand the signs of elder abuse, it may be more productive to take steps to prevent abuse from occurring in the first place. Oumlil and Williams (2011) Given the significance of the elderly consumer market in the development of successful and comprehensive marketing strategies, it is imperative that marketing decision-makers and policymakers better understand and respond to the varied needs of this significant consumer segment.   Family conversations can help gain insight into the senior’s affairs and mental state. Jackson (2015) explained, people who have been battling financial exploitation are pleased to observe the increased attention that financial exploitation is receiving at all levels of society. Family discussions between elders and adult children could serve as a much-needed reality check. Ideally, conversations on these matters should take place well before retirement, to ensure that elders are adequately prepared. This will give the whole family the time needed to anticipate, plan, and make smarter, more informed decisions. In identifying weaknesses and gaps, one question would be how often are perpetrators caught and what are the penalties that they would receive.   There is very little to no news of anyone being fined or sent to prison for stealing an old person’s life savings. In conclusion, focusing on these five major themes which have emerged though out the literature reviewed include a better understanding of the prevalence in elder financial abuse, who is committing elder financial abuse, what effects financial abuse has on its victims and what can be done to help prevent elder financial abuse. Hopefully this will show how devastating elder financial abuse can be. Oral History An interview with Joe F. who wished to remain anonymous is 77 years old.   He had the unfortunate experience of someone trying to trick him into sending money under the false impression of helping a family member out of a financial jam.   Joe became an unwilling expert in the popular scam which is commonly known as the grandparent scam. Goergen and Beaulien (2010) explain, that perpetrators pretend trustworthiness by posing as relatives when they call the elderly on the telephone or pose as craftsmen at victims’ doorstep, or they appeal to victims’ readiness to help by pretending to be a family member in a situation of distress and needing support. It is so simple and so devious because it uses one of most reliable assets seniors have, it’s their hearts. Scammers will place a call to an elderly person and when the senior picks up, they will say something along the lines of: â€Å"Hi Grandpa, do you know who this is?† This is exactly how Joe said his unsuspecting scam call started out. He said when he answered the phone, the voice on the other end was hard to recognize, the excuse was given that it was a bad cell phone signal. The unsuspecting grandparent guesses the name of the grandchild the scammer most sounds like. By doing this the scammer can establish a fake identity without having to do any background research. Joe said, â€Å"Is this Jack?† The voice on the other end said, â€Å"yes, its Jack.† Once the fake grandchild identity is established the scammer will usually ask for money to solve some unexpected financial problem such as overdue rent, payment for car repairs, etc. In Joe’s case the caller said they were in a traffic accident and needed some money to have the car towed. Often the scammer will ask money to be sent via Western Union or MoneyGram. Often money transferred this route does not require identification to collect.  At this point, Joe began to be suspicious because Jack only has his learners permit and would not be driving alone.   So, Joe began to probe further by asking where Jack was. The voice on the other end was reluctant to say. Often the scam artist will beg the grandparent, â€Å"please don’t tell my parents, they would kill me.†Ã‚   By this time, Joe felt like this was a scam and hung up the phone. These scams are likely to be done hundreds of times on unsuspecting seniors just like Joe. The fact that no research is needed makes this a scam a popular one that can be perpetrated over and over at very little or no cost to the scammer. After the call, Joe went on to say how vulnerable he felt. He said they knew my number, they knew my name and now they know my grandsons name. Then he said, â€Å"my feelings of vulnerability turned to anger.† These feelings are common with the victim. Imagine the heightened feelings of vulnerability and anger knowing they had stolen your money as well. Joe said he was glad I was doing this research on this topic and hopes this will help others be more educated about how to avoid being victims of this type of financial abuse. Brian’s Story is about financial elder abuse that happens when the perpetrator is known to the victim. Brian’s brother, stole thousands of dollars from him when Brian moved into an assisted living center. Brian’s retirement funds began to disappear after his brother was granted power of attorney to take care of his finances. After Brian had a visit with his son, they uncovered that Brian’s brother had lied to him about the selling price of his condominium. The price was $156,000 more than what is brother had said the condo sold for. When he returned home, Brian unsuccessfully tried to address the subject with his brother. Things took a turn for the worse when he got a letter from Medicare that said that because he hadn’t paid his premiums he was suspended from the program. His brother had neglected making these payments. For Brian, taking his brother to court proved futile. Through a series of consultations, Brian said he was told that even if his brother did get convicted, he would be dead by the time he would recover any of the money. But Brian isnt letting his financial woes keep him down.   His attitude is inspirational. Brian is not alone. So many elders will be financially abused annually, and the numbers will continue to rise, because many seniors are likely too scared or otherwise unable to seek help. Discussion As many of us have parents that are elders or we might be elders ourselves, it is important to understand how prevalent elder financial abuse is. It is imperative to know who is committing elder financial abuse, to understand what effects does financial abuse have on its victims and what can be done to help prevent elder financial abuse from happening. Some have argued that financial elder abuse is not very common because the news seldom carries stories of such cases. However, findings from Burns, Henderson, Charles, Sheppard, Zhao, Pillemer and Lachs (2017) suggests that approximately five percent of cognitively intact older adults living in the community experiences financial fraud or scam each year. As the increase of baby boomers now in retirement criminals are taking advantage of this ever-increasing opportunity to steal from them. As a home health nurse, I am finding that financial elder abuse is happening more and more due to the increased complaints reported by my patients. So why are the elderly so vulnerable? Thieves go where the money is and realize that the elderly have it. To make getting it easier, many seniors often suffer from cognitive and physical disabilities making them more vulnerable. Goergen and Beaulien (2010) explains, perpetrators pretend trustworthiness by posing as relatives when they call the elderly on the telephone or pose as craftsmen at victims’ doorstep, or they appeal to victims’ readiness to help by pretending to be a family member in a situation of distress and needing support. This is what happened to Joe F. but he was one of the lucky ones who figured out it was a scam. Too many other seniors fall victim and lose. It seems simple enough not to trust strangers but who can protect the senior when the abuse is coming from someone known and trusted? Lawyers need to be aware their services may be used by family members or caregivers as a means of financial abuse. Hannah (2016) often, a lawyer may be asked to draft documents that provide an elderly persons family member or caregiver with an opportunity to steal the elderly person’s possessions. Education provided to law firms includes reviewing the tactics of a potential perpetrator and how they seek to gain access to a senior’s finances. This education is helping to reduce the incidences of elder financial abuse. As a home health nurse, I will use this research to help educate the elderly patient population that I serve. One of a nurses primary ethical responsibilities is to work with the patient to provide care that maximally enables the physical, emotional and social well-being of the patient. A nurse is also responsible for protecting and advocating for patient’s safety and rights. Protecting the elderly patient from financial abuse is truly advocating for your patient. Nurses also have a responsibility to work with the public and other professionals to foster local, community, and national efforts to improve the financial safety of the elderly population. I have learned to be more empathetic, to help provide emotional support by listening and allowing patients to express how they feel about be a victim of financial abuse. The older adult is often ashamed to admit that they have succumbed to financial abuse. Nurses have a unique opportunity to talk to their patient who have been victimized about their feelings and may also be able to suggest a referral to a professional who is experienced in dealing with financial abuse victims. The nurse may also be the first person to recognize symptoms of depression or suicidal intent of abused elderly victims. The elderly population is entitled to a safe, quality life free from financial abuse. Many nurses and other professionals are working to enhance this safe quality of life for the elderly. This article has reviewed what these health care providers and other professionals have already done to promote safe financial environment and suggests activities that can further enhance the safety of our care of the Elderly form financial abuse.   Nurses are playing, and will continue to play, an ongoing role in the movement to protect the elderly from financial abuse. References Burnes, D., Henderson, Charles R., Sheppard, C., Zhao, R., Pillemer, K., & Lachs, Mark. (2017). Prevalence of financial fraud and scams among older adults in the United States: A systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Public Health, 107(8), E13-E21. doi: Goergen, T., & Beaulieu, M. (2010). Criminological theory and elder abuse researchfruitful relationship or worlds apart? Ageing International, 35(3), 185-201. doi: Hannah, J. M. (2016). Financial abuse of the dependent elder: A lawyers ethical obligations. Family Law Quarterly, 50(1), 117-121. Retrieved from Jackson, S. L. (2015). The vexing problem of defining financial exploitation. Journal of Financial Crime, 22(1), 63-78. Retrieved from Oumlil, A. B., & Williams, A. J. (2011). Financial services and the elderly poor: Development and implementation of sustainable intervention strategies. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 15(4), 274-286. doi: Tacchino, K. B. (2017). Preventing financial elder abuse. Journal of Personal Finance, 16(1), 78-88. Retrieved from:

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Life and Work of George Orwell :: Biography Biographies Essays

The Life and Work of George Orwell George Orwell is the name of the person behind brilliant works of literature such as Animal Farm and "1984". After my closer study of his book Animal Farm, I decided to look more closely into the person who wrote that brilliant allegory. I also tried to understand why, and how it was possible for a man raised far from communist/totalitarian regime could describe it so precisely in such an amazing prophetic way. Born under the name of Eric Blair on June 25 1903, in India in the family of an Imperial Officer, after going to boarding school and then to Eton, he decided to stop with his education and enlisted in the Indian Imperial Police at the age of 20. He served in Burma for 5 years and later described that period as the most miserable times and that he hated being the bully arresting people to be beaten. After he left Burma Eric wanted to experience the life of the oppressed, so he moved to Paris disguised as a homeless poor. He started living the life of tramps and all kinds of poor homeless, but soon he found himself in their true situation, without a serious job, Eric was forced to live on the streets and to make only enough not to starve. At that time he wrote his first book: "Down and Out in Paris and London" and was able to publish it under the pen name of George Orwell. The book was a success, and after that he wrote and published in three years three more books: "Burmese days," "a Clergyman's daughter" and " Keep the Aspidistra Flying." In 1937 Orwell went to Spain to report on the civil war and, according to Judy P. Sopronyi's article George Orwell on the Road to Nineteen Eighty-Four", got really involved in the idea of Socialism, he was thrilled by the idea of everyone treating each other as equals and his log sense of guilt for being born in the upper-middle class, as he called it, had found its cure. It wasn't long before he found out that regardless of how flawless an ideology was, people could twist it viciously in order to make it work for their own political ambitions. His personal experience was involved in that notion, because after being loyal to, and fighting on the side of the Republicans, he was quickly turned into the enemy for no apparent reason, and was forced to return to England to avoid arrest.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Developing Professional Practice Essay

1. Briefly explain how the CIPD HR Profession Map defines the HR profession, including the professional areas, the bands and the behaviours. The HR profession Map captures what successful and effective HR people do and deliver across every aspect and specialism of the profession, and sets out the required activities, behaviour and knowledge. It covers 10 professional areas and 8 behaviours, set out in 4 bands of competence. The Map covers every level of the HR profession: Band 1 being the start of your HR career through to Band 4 for the most senior leaders. The bands set out what you need to do and what you need to know for each area of the HR profession. As per the CIPD Website, the bands cover the following areas: Band 1: Supports colleagues with administration and processes. Effectively manages information and date and is customer orientated. Band 2: Advises on and/or manages HR related issues relating to an individual or at team. Has a clear understanding of the evaluation process and the solutions available. Band 3: Leads a professional area acting as a consultant or partner, addresses key HR challenges at an organisational level for the medium and long term. Band 4: Leads and manages a professional area(s) and/or the organisation. Responsible for developing and delivering organisational and HR strategy. The two professional areas, Insight, Strategy and Solutions and Leading HR sit at the heart of the profession and are applicable to all HR professionals, regardless of role, location or stage of their HR career. There are 8 behaviours that identify in detail how professionals need to carry out their activities and make a contribution to organisational success. The behaviours are: †¢ Curious †¢ Decisive thinker †¢ Skilled influencer †¢ Personally credible †¢ Collaborative †¢ Driven to deliver †¢ Courage to challenge †¢ Role Model CIPD website refers to the HR Map as: â€Å"This is a powerful and simple to use personal development tool for professionals operating at all levels in HR. Not only is it free for members to use, we’ve also carefully designed it to ensure that many of the suggested actions to help professionals progress are low-cost or no-cost – which will be particularly welcome at a time when the recession is ensuring resources for development are tight. Professionals can use the tool to develop in their roles and pursue their career plans. We hope the insights it delivers will quickly become a firm fixture in the performance and development reviews of HR professionals in organisations of all shapes and sizes and across all sectors.† (Stephanie Bird, April 2010). 2. Evaluate how the two core professional areas, the bands and any two selected behaviours uphold the concept of ‘HR Professionalism’, giving two examples from the knowledge and activities at band 2. The two professional areas Insight, Strategy and Solutions and Leading HR sit at the heart profession and are applicable to all HR professionals. They underpin the direction of the profession as an applied business discipline with a people and organisation discipline and describe how great HR professionals work for HR’s purpose. HR can only deliver it’s purpose of sustainable organisation performance if it works from a deep business, contextual and organisational understanding to develop actionable insight. This allows us to creative prioritised and situational strategies that make the most difference and build a compelling case for change. It includes: †¢ Building a picture †¢ Developing actionable insight †¢ Delivering situational HR solutions that stick †¢ Building capacity and capability †¢ Working with agility The successful HR professional provides active, insight led leadership. Owning, shaping and driving themselves, others and activity within the organisation. They develop across three main areas of leadership – personal leadership, leading others and leading issues. It includes: †¢ Personal leadership †¢ Leading others †¢ HR function design and service delivery †¢ HR recourse planning and delivery †¢ Delivering value and performance in HR teams †¢ Managing HR budgets and finances This being based as the heart of the profession, there are 8 main behaviours expected, including; †¢ Role Model – Consistently leads by example. Acts with integrity, impartiality and independence, balancing personal, organisation and legal parameters. †¢ Skilled Influencer – Demonstrates the ability to influence to gain the necessary support from drivers stakeholders in pursuit of organisational value. The CIPD (2005a) has stated that: All personnel and development specialists must be thinking performers. That is, their central task is to be knowledgeable and competent in their various fields and to be able to move beyond compliance to provide a critique of organisational policies and procedures and to advise on how organizations should develop in the future. HR professionals have to think carefully about what they are doing in the context of their organization and within the framework of recognised body of knowledge. They have to perform effectively in the sense of delivering advise, guidance and services that will help the organisation to achieve its goals. Legge (1995) made a similar point when she referred to HRM as a process of ‘thinking pragmatism’. Harrison (2007) commented that the ‘thinking performer’ philosophy focuses on the ways in which HR fields of activity should link to produce a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts, on strategic awareness and on evidence based practice. The CIPD ‘The Thinking Performer Concept’ (2007) believes: â€Å"The non thinking performer will privately regard many of the things her or she is required to do as absurd, indefensible, inefficient, even immoral or corrupt, but will say nothing †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ the non thinking performer is a ‘ lifetime liability’ to the organisation.† Looking at the requirements in Band 2 of the HR Map, and taking into consideration the behaviours within this, you need to build strong relationships with your customers. Managers need to feel comfortable approaching your for advise, and confident that you will be able to lead and advise them on the appropriate approach to take. You need to be skilled in influencing the manager to the correct way of thinking, to handle the situation in the correct manner, but also be flexible in your approach and listen to their ideas/requirements. And together, agree on the best action and way forward. The need for HR theory, Ulrich (1997a): To make practices more than isolates acts managers and HR professionals must master the theory behind HR work; they need to be able to explain conceptually how and why HR practices lead to their outcomes. Regardless of the preferred theory, managers and HR professionals should extract from it a higher level of reasoning for their day to day work and thus better explain why their work accomplishes goals. 3. Explain, with related examples, why HR professionals need to be able to manage themselves, manage groups or teams, manage upwards and manage across the organisation. HR professionals provide insight led leadership. They need to own and shape themselves as well as others within the organisation. They need to personally lead themselves, as well as teams and upwards within the organisation. The definition of management as stated by Michael Armstrong is ‘Management is defined as deciding what to do and then getting it done through the effective use of recourses’. The main processes of management are planning, organizing, motivating and controlling. HRMagazine say: HR must turn outside business trends and stakeholders expectations into internal actions, and should focus on both business results and human capital improvement. HR professionals should target both individual ability and organisation capabilities. HR is not an isolated activity, but sustainable and integrated solutions. An effective HR professional melds individual abilities into an effective and strong organisation by helping to define and build its organisation capabilities. Organisation is not a structure or process, it is a distinct set of capabilities. HR professionals can help line managers create meaning, so that the capability of the organisation reflects the deeper values of the employees. HR professionals are credible activists because they build their personal trust through business acumen. Credibility comes when HR professionals do what they promise, build personal relationships of trust and can be relied on. In order to be an effective HR professional, it is important that they are able to manage themselves in order to show their teams and organisation that they can be trusted. They can then go on to manage their teams effectively, through to managing across the organisation. HR professionals make change happen at institutional , initiative and individual levels. 1. Undertake a self-assessment against the specification of HR professional practice capabilities, such as the CIPD Associate Membership criteria, to identify professional development needs. See appendix 1 for SWOT analysis. 2. Evaluate and select at least three development options to meet your needs , explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each, and their fit with your preferred learning style and career aspirations. Continued Professional Development (CPD) is a necessity in the HR environment. The profession is a very high pace with changes to the law and best practise. CPD makes sure your knowledge is up to date and fresh. New ideas and developments are happening all the time and being dedicated to CPD ensures you are professional and consistent. 20 years ago CPD was not widely spoken of, or used in the HR environment. Until recently the profession has not recognised the need to adhere to the requirements of other professional bodies (medical, law etc) as HR was seen as a job anyone could do, but the recent introduction of the HR standards and HR Map means all HR professionals need to continue with CPD to reflect the professionalism of their career. In recent years the concept of ‘a job for life’ has subsided and now employees in all professions need to continue to prove their worth and stay valuable to the organisation. Keeping up to date with CPD means you are actively trying to develop yourself and have an interest in developing yourself to benefit the organisation and profession. I have undertaken a SWOT analysis (Appendix 1) on my current developmental needs. I have also used the HR map to find out where my weaknesses lie as an HR professional. I found this exercise an interesting and useful tool for working out my developmental needs. I have included a Career Development Plan (Appendix 2), this shows my current development needs and I will be referring to them below. My first, and most important need, is an update on HR Law. This is needs so I can give better advice to managers and have the confidence to act on my own beliefs. My second is updating my knowledge on how to deal with Absence Management, a high level of absenteeism can be extremely costly to an organisation and I would like to develop my knowledge so I can help the absent employee and also help the organisation’s statistics and costs in turn. My third developmental need is Reward Strategies. I find the topic fresh and a lot of organisations are not fully using the strategies. I would like to enhance my knowledge and research best practise to see what recommendations I can make for the organisation I am employed by. I intend to satisfy these needs by taking advantage of courses offered by the CIPD, in house training and by attending the Intermediate Certificate in HR Management at Bridgwater College. It is also important for me to use other tools for learning, for example journals, on line resources and many of the books available at local libraries. To satisfy the needs for enhancing my knowledge of HR Law I will be attending the unit on the subject at Bridgwater College and I also regularly attend HR Breakfast’s at FootAnstey Solicitors. They cover a wide range of topics, including sessions on Employment Law. Absence Management will be researched by looking at the media available, for example previous research and best practise. I will also look to attend relevant CIPD courses being held in the South West area. Reward strategies are reasonably new and important when it comes to employee satisfaction and retention. Researching the subject will enable me to make use of best practise and o ffer recommendations.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Girl Interrupted Character Analysis Essay

Borderline personality disorder is characterized by intense shifts in mood. This is often accompanied by periods of intense aggression, substance abuse, and self damaging behaviors. People with borderline personality disorder will sometimes attempt suicide impulsively in periods of extreme depression or anger. Often times people with borderline personality disorder feel extremely bored, empty, mistreated and alone. Intense feelings of loneliness usually are followed by frantic efforts to avoid being alone. Suzanne is initially institutionalized for taking a bottle of aspirin with a bottle of vodka. She claims that she was not trying to kill herself, but only get rid of a headache. At the beginning Suzanne claimed that she had no bones in her hand. This fits more with a delusional disorder. Suzanne often exhibits spontaneous damaging behavior that is mainly sexual. Other spontaneous behaviors include breaking out of the hospital, stealing her medical files, and not taking medication. She also aids in drugging a nurse and steals a guitar from the art room to help cheer up another patient. Spontaneous dangerous behavior is one of the major signs of borderline personality disorder. Suzanne has strange ideas about her symptoms and diagnosis, the major example being the bones in her hand disappearing and then reappearing. She often seeks to be alone; shows many social anxieties around people and had a lack of close friends on outside of the hospital. These symptoms go along with schizotypal personality disorder. Contradictions to the possible schizotypal personality disorder would include that she is sometimes the â€Å"life of the party† which falls in line more with borderlines. She also desperately seeks male attention leading to her promiscuous sexual behavior that goes against the seeking of complete isolation often exhibited by others with scizotypal personality disorder. Her social anxieties are not clear in the movie and it is unknown whether they are because of negative feelings about her or whether she has paranoid fears. Despite the schizotypal possibility it is more likely that she has borderline personality disorder. This is because she clearly exhibits the majority of the signs of someone with borderline personality disorder including self destructive behavior, feelings of emptiness, intense shifts in mood lasting only a short period of time, consistent suicide ideation, feelings of â€Å"rejection and not fitting in.† Even the schizotypal symptoms can be explained by borderline personality disorder. People with borderline personality disorder often have odd thinking, quasipsychosis, and unusual perceptions. Although Suzanne showed symptoms of many types of disorders, the Borderline that she was diagnosed with was the most fitting and prevelant in her actions in the movie.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 essays

Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 essays Bitter controversies on a number of issues were revealed due to the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. There are political explanations of why these Acts were passed which center primarily around the state of foreign relations. Two parties of the day, the Democratic-Republic and the Federalists were initially in support of the constitution that did not require a Bill of Rights, and only conceded in order to aid in the ratification of the Constitution. The Democratic-Republicans, with whom Thomas Jefferson was numbered were heavily fearful of a strong central government. HE was willing to allow the law to be used to his political advantage. He would later prosecute Federalists editors under this legislation, though he would allow the legislation to expire during his administration. James Madison wrote in The Virginia Report, 1800 that the Sedition Act was unconstitutional. In his view the first Amendment guaranteed an absolute freedom against the federal government, for no authority of the United States could abridge it. Madison did not support the sedition law. The act was criticized by Madison. In the speech in the House of Representatives on the proposed Sedition Act, Gallatin said that if sedition is an enemy of the Constitution, then its liable to punishment. The Bill should be used as a weapon by a party now in power. John Alien said that a conspiracy against the Constitution is formed. A man was always answerable for the malicious publication of falsehood. Hamilton thought that the Sedition Act may damage the civil war. Alien Act was passed along with the Sedition Act. The Alien Act gave power to the president. A Fourteen year residency period for aliens was required prior to naturalization as a citizen. IT also allowed the restraint and removal in time of war of resident adult aliens of the hostile nation. Hamilton had said that those who help the French were not Americans but fool, ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Words for Extreme Weather Events

Words for Extreme Weather Events Words for Extreme Weather Events Words for Extreme Weather Events By Mark Nichol What’s the difference between a hurricane, a typhoon, and a tropical storm? The first two types of weather events are cyclones that sustain surface winds of at least 74 miles per hour- faster than virtually any highway speed limit in the United States. The term â€Å"tropical storm† refers to a degraded hurricane or typhoon. And why are there separate designations for hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones, which are essentially identical weather events? Hurricanes are storms that develop east of the International Date Line, which runs north to south through the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Hurricane is derived from the aboriginal Taino language’s word hurakn, which was borrowed into Spanish as huracn and thence into English. Taino was spoken throughout the islands of the Caribbean Sea, so it is natural that the language would inspire present-day usage. (A number of other words survive by assimilation from that dead language into English, including barbecue, hammock, and tobacco.) Typhoon, by contrast, stems from Greek, although it refers primarily to storms occurring in the vicinity of China and the Philippines, on the other side of the International Date Line. What’s the connection? The Greek term typhon was appropriated by the Arabs and thence found its way into Chinese, influenced by a similar-sounding Chinese word for â€Å"big wind.† And cyclone, also from Greek (ultimately from kyklos, also the origin of circle and cycle), is used popularly in the South Pacific Ocean, though scientists worldwide use the term when speaking or writing in English. Why do we capitalize names of hurricanes, typhoons, and tropical storms, and why are they assigned people’s first names? These are conventions established in the early 1950s by the scientific community to distinguish between two or more weather events occurring at or near the same time. (For the first quarter-century, only female names were used, following an alphabetized list. Starting in 1978, male names were used as well.) The tradition of assigning personal names to severe storms actually goes back hundreds of years, however; Caribbean hurricanes were named after saints based on which saint’s day the storm occurred, and the assignment of women’s names dates to the late nineteenth century. Some eighty names have, because of the catastrophic severity of the event, been retired from the list, an average of more than one a year; in 2005, Hurricane Katrina was only one of five storms whose names were retired because of the especially devastating nature of the storm. The score given to quantify a hurricane’s strength is also capitalized; the highest level is Category 5. Todays YouTube video: Inquire vs. Enquire Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Arrive To vs. Arrive AtCapitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and MovementsHow Long Should a Synopsis Be?

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How the Assembly Line Revolutionized the Car Industry

How the Assembly Line Revolutionized the Car Industry By the early 1900s,  gasoline cars  started to outsell all other types of motor vehicles. The market was growing for automobiles and the need for industrial production was pressing. The first car manufacturers in the world were French companies Panhard Levassor (1889) and Peugeot (1891). Daimler  and  Benz  started out as innovators who experimented with car design to test their engines before becoming full car manufacturers. They made their early money by licensing their patents and selling their engines to car manufacturers. The First Assemblers Rene Panhard and Emile Levassor were partners in a woodworking machinery business when they decided to become car manufacturers. They built their first car in 1890 using a Daimler engine. The partners not only manufactured cars, they made improvements to the automotive body design. Levassor was the first designer to move the engine to the front of the car and use a rear-wheel drive layout. This design was known as the Systeme Panhard and quickly became the standard for all cars because it gave a better balance and improved steering. Panhard and Levassor are also credited with the invention of the modern transmission, which was installed in their 1895 Panhard. Panhard and Levassor also shared the licensing rights to Daimler motors with Armand Peugot. A Peugot car went on to win the first car race held in France, which gained Peugot publicity and boosted car sales. Ironically, the Paris to Marseille race of 1897 resulted in a fatal auto accident, killing Emile Levassor. Early on, French manufacturers did not standardize car models as each car was different from the other. The first standardized car was the 1894 Benz Velo. One hundred and thirty-four identical Velos were manufactured in 1895. American Car Assembly Americas first gas-powered commercial car manufacturers were Charles and Frank Duryea. The brothers were bicycle makers who became interested in gasoline engines and automobiles. They built their first motor vehicle in 1893 in Springfield, Massachusetts and by 1896 the Duryea Motor Wagon Company had sold thirteen models of the Duryea, an expensive limousine that remained in production into the 1920s. The first automobile to be mass produced in the United States was the 1901 Curved Dash Oldsmobile, built by the American car manufacturer Ransome Eli Olds (1864-1950). Olds invented the basic concept of the assembly line and started the Detroit area automobile industry. He first began making steam and gasoline engines with his father, Pliny Fisk Olds, in Lansing, Michigan in 1885. Olds designed his first steam-powered car in 1887. In 1899, with his experience in making gasoline engines, Olds moved to Detroit to start the Olds Motor Works with the goal of producing low-priced cars. He produced 425 Curved Dash Olds in 1901, and was Americas leading auto manufacturer from 1901 to 1904. Henry Ford Revolutionizes Manufacturing American car manufacturer Henry Ford (1863-1947) was credited with inventing an improved assembly line. He formed the Ford Motor Company in 1903. It was the third car manufacturing company formed to produce the cars he designed. He introduced the Model T in 1908 and it became a big success. Around 1913, he installed the first conveyor belt-based assembly line in his car factory at Fords Highland Park, Michigan plant. The assembly line reduced production costs for cars by reducing assembly time. For example, Fords famous Model T was assembled in ninety-three minutes. After installing the moving assembly lines in his factory, Ford became the worlds biggest car manufacturer. By 1927, 15 million Model Ts had been manufactured. Another victory won by Henry Ford was the  patent battle  with George B. Selden. Selden, who held a patent on a road engine. On that basis, Selden was paid royalties by all American car manufacturers. Ford overturned Seldens patent and opened the American car market for the building of inexpensive cars.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Child Abuse with Adopted children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Child Abuse with Adopted children - Essay Example There is an increase in the number of transnational adoptions. IV History Effects Weir 2011 2009 controversy on a Tennessee mother sending back her adopted child rudely. Bonnet 2011 Adoptive father sexually abusing girl child. Miller et al. 2007 Death of 18 adopted children in the US. V Summary As family is the most private space that exists for an individual, any attempt to monitor and interfere in what happens inside a family will result in rising eyebrows, and allegations of an intrusion into personal freedom. This is why the case of adopted children falling victims to child abuse, go unreported and un-remedied often. Still time and again there have been some such reports coming in. It is in this context that the issue of child abuse of adopted children needs to be studied more. In an adopted family, a child can possibly have a series of problems as compared to conventional biological families. These include, difficulties in forming a tie with the new parents who are strangers to the child, absence of support mechanisms outside family, socio-cultural and economic gap, parents’ attitudes and expectations, differences in cultural standards of parenting, issues of class, race and religion involved, etc. These can be remedied only through establishing government leve l and community level mechanisms to monitor the problems of adopted children and to interfere if necessary. There are class, race and religious feelings involved.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Discuss a Popular or Literary Representation of China Essay

Discuss a Popular or Literary Representation of China - Essay Example Even though some challenges such as climate change is still affecting the country as a result of continued utilization of coal as a source of fuel. The article indicates that china is currently considered a major economic force among the developing states. It has continued to boost trade with various African countries and it is seen to compete with other economic giants such as the United States of America. The security in the country is improved and it has increased the number of united nation peacekeepers. China is currently considered a leading donor targeting many countries in Africa. The Chinese government has pledged almost ten billion United States dollars to Africa over the past 3 years. China has struggled to develop good relations through cooperation with other countries. Despite the impact and the rise of china in the economic world, the country has continued to face some setbacks which target leadership, climate change and poverty. Hundreds of millions of people in china are still considered poor. The Chinese government has failed to develop a stable system of energy supply to be utilized by the people. The energy supply in the country has continued to rely more on import and therefore it has been a challenge to maintain diversified and stable energy sources. Environmental pollution has continued to impact negatively on the countries developments. Poor control of air pollution in major cities such as shanghai has resulted to decline in economic development and investment. The government has continued to launch a number of projects that are sources of envi ronmental pollution. Air pollution has health effect on the people and the government has to protect its own people from such effects (Fox, 2008). The Chinese state has continued to face collapse of ideology and moral lapses from the leadership that is in place. The state

History Research Paper Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History Research Paper Outline - Essay Example During the period from 1762-1770, British government found itself in wars in Europe, West Indies, and Asia. This wars meant more money was required to service the British national debt(University of Massachusetts History Club 2).This led to heavy burden of taxes on British tax payers, including the colonies. British authorities began to issue a series of legislative acts which were intended to tax colonial residents (University of Massachusetts History Club 2). The acts were meant to help raise money to service the wars. If there was representation by Americans in the British parliament, these acts might not have passed because the representatives would have argued, and perhaps convinced the British authorities otherwise (University of Massachusetts History Club 2).Because there was no representation, these acts led to socioeconomic forces that destroyed the British colonial empire and subsequently led to the American Revolution. The stamp act that was passed by the British parliament, whose primary intention was to raise money for military defenses of the colonies, contributed to rising tensions. This revenue was to be achieved by ensuring the American population purchase stamps, which were a legal requirement for all official documents, licenses, and contracts (University of Massachusetts History Club 2). Newspapers were also included. This led to formation of the stamp act congress which was to be an act of defiance against the British measure (University of Massachusetts History Club 2). This congress, in their resolutions, declared and stated that they were entitled to the rights and liberties like all other British subjects. The most important declaration was their assertion that there cannot be taxation without representation (University of Massachusetts History Club 2).They believed that the only bodies that can legally impose an internal tax were their legislatures. When this resolution was sent to the British legislature, it was rejected on the

Art Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Art Assignment - Essay Example Space in drawing implies the negative and positive use of space in a drawing (Sale, Teel & Betti, 89). Positive space is the space that the object covers while negative space is the background of the picture. In Napoletanos picture, the artist has used a lot of negative space in his work, while, in Bertin’s drawing, the artist has used a lot of positive space. At times, use of a lot of negative space makes the drawing look vulnerable and aloof (Sale, Teel & Betti, 89). Perspective in the drawing is the image as seen by the eye as per the distance and on a flat surface. Napoletano’s drawing lacks proper perspective as the drawing shortens with an increase in the distance, and foreshortens along the line of sight as compared to Bertin’s drawing whose focal point gets better with an increase in distance. A contour in the drawing is the outline depicting change in plane (Sale, Teel & Betti, 90). In Napoletano’s drawing the artist used modified contour drawing unlike in Bert’s drawing the artist used blind contours. Napoletano’s drawing was done using gesture drawing because the picture looks hastily done. On the other hand, Bert’s looks as if it had taken time to draw. Finally, tone usages in both pictures are similar. The effects of light in the pictures show balance. The pictures are alike and diverse in a variety of ways, but they are successful in their own light. Napoleatano’s drawing might be small, but it is well structured just like Bert’s picture, which is large, and well

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Discuss the relative merits of workplace parking charges and Essay

Discuss the relative merits of workplace parking charges and congestion charging as a basis for reducing car dependency in British cities - Essay Example imposed on Private Non-Residential (PNR) car parking at workplaces that in past have been free as a practical fiscal measure to discourage car based transport for the staffs, to and from the workplace. Car based commuting has in the past propelled the level of road congestion. The charges are aimed at discouraging the staff to adopt other modes of transport like walking, cycling or adopting car club strategy which gives people access to vehicles on pay-as-you-go basis. Congestion charging involves levying every vehicle based on the trip length in terms of travel time or travel distance and trip externalities related to a vehicle contribution to congestion and air pollution. Currently the continuous fees charged, based on mileage is best for all vehicles types; ranging from the commercial motor bikes, commercial vans, and trailers to the private cars. Proposal is under way to use a MOBB (Mobile Operated Black Box) that is based on solution which would identity the details of the vehicle and the driver. Implemented as a mobile handset using the UK mobile network and employing the Location Based Service mobile application to locate the coordinates, which help determine whether the vehicle is within the charging zone or just in the entire road network then transmit the data to the congestion charges operational center that is either local or national. It has seen decrease in the traffic congestion in the charging zones in the various cities of British. Taking London for example employed the London Congestion Charging Scheme (LCCS). From the table below gives the changes in the number of different types of vehicles entering and leaving the charging zones. The large improvement of London bus network has seen people switching to the use of the bus, they have increased the number of the buses with combination of more frequency and good network, this has seen car user avoiding to pay the congestion charges switch to public transport. Taking for example of the data

Context and Truth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Context and Truth - Essay Example It's also the interconnected circumstances in which something exists or happens. It has a major role to play in the sense that it can be as powerful as completely changing the meaning of the said or written to something totally opposite of what the original had been. Context can be categorized into several demographic classes; be it social or political. The thought is that context influences the means we comprehend the term. The truth in its actual meanings is the level of meaningfulness, fact relation, confirmation and level of sincerity. Wherever the 'truth' comes in, the result is either one will staunchly agree to it and will consider it a sin to question or challenge its credibility. But with the evident of the truth, there is also uproar by those who are doubtful about its existence. Either they completely reject the truth or they begin look for answers which makes them believe in that truth. A lot people argue on the truthfulness of something. What actually they are doing is that they are trying to match their desired answers with the ones they already have. This is merely in pursuit of getting ones' self correct in front of others. After all its human nature that one finds it difficult to accept failure. So to maintain one's self respect, to continue to feed one's ego and to fulfill the urge of being superior to others makes one argue on the truthfulness of something. Thus in this case the truth turns out to be something overloaded with certain facts that might have been related to the topic by someone in such a technical way that it looks as the truth in front of the claims placed by others (Taylor, 1998). This is a good way engineering any sort of communication to benefit ones' self and create a wining situation against the competing claims of anyone else. But during this competing what happens is that either the truth becomes distorted or it completely loses its originality. You can understand it by this that consider the truth to an elephant and you ask seven blind men, to touch and feel the elephant and then describe what an elephant looks like. The result will be that each of the seven blind men will think that only he knows what an elephant looks like and thus, only he knows what the truth is. To justify the existence of truth, another approach may be of finding out the best possible answer(s)! Many people will agree on this point. The fact, that though a lot of people know that what is the truth and are having its full availability and awareness. But still these people are in a constant search of truth, is based on the concept of finding what is best. People are in constant search of truth because knowing the truth about life, this world or this universe can give them satisfaction. It can help them in understanding themselves better. Its can help people become productive. It can help us to solve problems that we face in every phase of our life. Extending on the saying "survival of the fittest", the rule is very much applicable to the "Truth" as well. The truth therefore may be also based on an entity's nature, a certain phenomena or even someone else's experiences. This yields truth to be subjective to different aspects. However, this is not the actual case. The truth of any n' every thing is its correctness which can neither be judged by mere proofs nor can be measured on some scale. It is not the truth that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Discuss the relative merits of workplace parking charges and Essay

Discuss the relative merits of workplace parking charges and congestion charging as a basis for reducing car dependency in British cities - Essay Example imposed on Private Non-Residential (PNR) car parking at workplaces that in past have been free as a practical fiscal measure to discourage car based transport for the staffs, to and from the workplace. Car based commuting has in the past propelled the level of road congestion. The charges are aimed at discouraging the staff to adopt other modes of transport like walking, cycling or adopting car club strategy which gives people access to vehicles on pay-as-you-go basis. Congestion charging involves levying every vehicle based on the trip length in terms of travel time or travel distance and trip externalities related to a vehicle contribution to congestion and air pollution. Currently the continuous fees charged, based on mileage is best for all vehicles types; ranging from the commercial motor bikes, commercial vans, and trailers to the private cars. Proposal is under way to use a MOBB (Mobile Operated Black Box) that is based on solution which would identity the details of the vehicle and the driver. Implemented as a mobile handset using the UK mobile network and employing the Location Based Service mobile application to locate the coordinates, which help determine whether the vehicle is within the charging zone or just in the entire road network then transmit the data to the congestion charges operational center that is either local or national. It has seen decrease in the traffic congestion in the charging zones in the various cities of British. Taking London for example employed the London Congestion Charging Scheme (LCCS). From the table below gives the changes in the number of different types of vehicles entering and leaving the charging zones. The large improvement of London bus network has seen people switching to the use of the bus, they have increased the number of the buses with combination of more frequency and good network, this has seen car user avoiding to pay the congestion charges switch to public transport. Taking for example of the data

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

An Analysis of Womens Mindset About Plastic Surgery Essay Example for Free

An Analysis of Womens Mindset About Plastic Surgery Essay Based on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia stated that beauty is a value that related to emotional aspect that mean vitality, fertility, health, happiness, goodness, and love. â€Å"Beauty is commonly defined as a characteristic present in objects, such as nature, art work, and a human person, that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, joy, and satisfaction to the observer, through sensory manifestations such as shape, color, and personality. Beauty thus manifested usually conveys some level ofharmony amongst components of an object† (New World Encyclopedia). Thomas Aquinas (1225 1274), wrote on the essence of beauty. He thought that beauty was the result of three prerequisites: wholeness (lat. integritas) or perfection, harmony (lat. proportio) and clarity or brightness† (Pentti Rautio, 2007). For many centuries, people and philosophers have expressed their definition of beauty. They show their own argument with different definition. However, nowadays we can not get the really means of beauty, because beauty has been lost over time. It just leaves a word ( Nancy Etcoff, 1999, p. 69). Everyone want to be beautiful, especially for women. They make themselves as beautiful as they can. For being beautiful, they have an icon to be followed. They use a Barbie dolls as a fashion icon because they think that Barbie is the image of beauty woman. Barbie has thin and tall body, flawless skin, long hair and big eyes. It shows that Barbie is perfect creature. Because of it, Barbie has affected a lot of women through its beauty. Barbie become the image of beauty by its history. Barbie is named by Ruth Handler which comes from his daughter’s name Barbara. Barbara is the same as another child that play with a toys but she always use a paper to make a dolls. During a trip to Europe with her child Barbara in 1956, Ruth Handler came across a German and found a doll called Bild Lilli. The Bild Lilli doll was very popular at that time, it was made based on a character in a comic strip drawn by Reinhard Beuthin for the newspaper Die Bild-Zeitung. In 1955, The Bild Lilli doll was initially sold to adults and became popular with children who enjoyed dressing up. On her return to the United States, Ruth Handler tried to redesign the Bird Lilly doll with help from Jack Ryan that works as an engineer. Moreover, the doll that was redesign by Ruth handler was given a new name ‘Barbie’, after Ruth Handler’s daughter Barbara. The Barbie doll made its first debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York on March 9, 1959. This date is also used as Barbie’s birthday. The Bird Lilli doll production was stopped in 1964 and the first Barbie doll wore a black and white zebra striped swimsuit and signature topknot ponytail. The doll was marketed as a â€Å"Ten-age Fashion Model† with her clothes created by Charlotte Johnson. The first Barbie dolls were manufactured in Japan, with their clothes hand-stitched by Japanese home workers. Around 350,000 Barbie dolls were sold during the first year of production. Barbie was the first toy that has a marketing strategy on television advertising. It is estimated that over a billion Barbie dolls have been sold out in over 150 countries and every second three Barbie dolls are sold. Barbie products include not only the range of dolls with their clothes and accessories, but also a large range of Barbie branded goods such as books, apparel, cosmetics and video games. Barbie has appeared in a series of animated films and is a supporting character in â€Å"Toy Story 2† and â€Å"Toy Story 3†. Barbie has been given honors and become cultural icon that is rare in the toy world. In 1974 a section of Times Square in New York City was renamed Barbie Boulevard for a week. In 2009, Barbie celebrated her 50th birthday. The celebrations included a runway show in New York for the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week and others event that used Barbie as the icon (James Penn, 2001). Barbie became a popular toy in America and the figure that was used by Mattel dolls and accessories. For five years, Barbie has been an important part of toy fashion doll market. However, behind its popularity, Barbie also became controversies because its life style. From a young age, children play with toys like Barbie dolls and burly action figures, with bodies that are physically impossible to achieve. Exposure to these â€Å"ideals† is damaging to the self-esteem of youths† (MelodyBee, 2008). Usually, most of children play Barbie, especially for girls. They make Barbie as beautiful as they can. However, playing a Barbie doll can give bad influence for children. The Barbie’s clothes or the other things in Barbie’s world have affected the girls who playing Barbie think how importance of physical appearance. Barbie has affected them in terms of fashion. They be dressed precocious because the influence of Barbie. Without realizing it, they are growing-up skipper. According to Marilyn Ferris Motz, he suggested, â€Å"Barbie has other messages for us and that the doll’s influence is more problematic, especially for children. † It means that Barbie has bad side effect for children. Not only children, but nowadays the girls or women also make Barbie as woman figure that they want. Because of the figure of Barbie and other figures of beauties, women are convinced to believe that one must look like these images to be beautiful. The easiest way to achieve this is by having plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is a type of surgery that can involve both women’s appearance and ability to function. Society today has influence women to believe that in order for a person to look beautiful, they must look like the images that are seen on television, in movies, and on the cover of magazines. Some of them are even willing to suffer in order to achieve their desired beauty. Although plastic surgery can improve women’s appearance, but it can induce a lot of detriments which may lead to dangerous risk, even death. From the description, I will analyze women’s mindset about plastic surgery.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa)

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (abbreviated as ELISA), is a kind of immunoassay technique to detect the presence of a specific antibody or antigen in the test samples. This method principally make use of both immunological reaction (the antibody-antigen reaction) to detect the present of specific antibody or antigen) and biochemical reaction (the enzyme substrate reaction) to produce a visible signal for both qualitative and quantitative measurement. The ELISA method used in this experiment is an example of indirect ELISA method. The ELISA plate wells are coated with optimized concentration of antigens before hand by means of charge interaction or with the help of a spacer coating (eg. L-lysine). Then the plate wells are washed with buffer solution, and a blocking step is preformed by adding bovine serum albumin or casein, to block any uncoated space in the well before using to detect antibodies in sample serum. Then the sample serum is added to detect the present of specific antibody, the antibodies will bind to the antigens in the well (in this experiment is the anti-DNA antibody). Then a secondary antibody (usually raised from a species against the antibody of the sample) with enzyme-linked (called conjugate) was added to bind. The enzyme used may be Alkaline phosphate or Horseradish peroxidase (in this experiment is Alkaline phosphate); this also serve as signal amplification step as the enzymes conjugate chose used usually have more than one binding sites for the substrate added subsequently. Then a substrate is added for the enzyme to produce a color reaction (in this experiment is the PNPP which produce a yellow color) to indicate the present of the specific antibody in the sample. The higher the concentration of the antibody in the test sample, the stronger the color developed. We can use a spectrometer (an ELISA reader in this experiment) to measure the color quantitatively instead of using our eye, which is more objective and accurate. Washing with buffer (usually a mild detergent) is applied between steps to remove unbind antibodies to avoid non-specific binding of antibodies. Usually positive and negative controls will be paralleled run with the test sample to validate the result. The cut-off point between a positive or negative result is usually determined statistically with known standards. In additions, with a serial dilution of a known standard (known concentration of the specific antibody want to detect in the test), we can also find the amount of the specific antibody in the test sample from the graph of absorbance against concentration of the known standard. Thus, the ELISA method can produce both qualitative and quantitative result in detecting the specific antibody in test sample. ELISA is a relatively high sensitive and specific test for detecting serum protein, the presence of specific antibody or antigen; and also considers as a high-throughput immunoassay. The use of ELISA also includes hormones and infectious antigens (including virus and bacteria). The most common example is detecting HIV in patient samples. In addition, it has the advantage of using non-radioactive substances, is safer than those radio-immunoassays. Other ELISA methods: Sandwich ELISA (or direct ELISA) is used to detect antigen in sample serum, is less-common. With known quantity of capture antibodies coated to the well, the antigens in the sample will bind to the antibodies to form complex. Then enzyme-linked primary antibodies will be applied to detect the present of the antigens. Competition ELISA is a different method from the indirect and sandwich ELISA, in which the kit contains enzyme-linked antigen rather than enzyme-linked antibody. The labeled antigen will compete with the antigen in the sample for the antibody binding sites in the well. Thus, more antigens in the sample will give weaker signal as less labeled antigen can bind to the antibody binding sites in the well. The advantage of this method is can be used to detect antigen in impure samples. Reverse ELISA is a new technology using immunosorbent polystyrene rod with protruding ogives. This ogives will dipped into the sample, thus a higher sample volume can be used to improve the sensitivity. Moreover, the ogives can be sensitized with different reagent to detect different antibodies or antigens simultaneously for multi-target assays.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Franklin Delano Roosevelt FDR :: Biography Biographies Bio

Franklin Delano Roosevelt In March 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt became the 32nd president of the United States. During his presidency he was the only president in America's history to hold office for four terms. He led America during the Great Depression and World War II. Franklin Roosevelt was head of the powerful Democratic Party which controlled American politics for thirty years. Roosevelt was a controversial leader in his time, some people admired him and others despised him, but today he is considered to be one of the greatest American presidents. Franklin Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882 in Hyde Park, New York. Franklin's father, James Roosevelt, married Sara Delano (Franklin's mother) in 1880 several years after his first wife had died. Sara had been only 26 at the time of the marriage while James had been 52. They had a happy marriage until James died in 1900. Franklin was treated as an only child when he was born because his half brother was an adult by then. His parents sheltered and spoiled young Franklin. His parents kept him in dresses and long curls until he was five years old. During the summers Franklin went with his parents to Europe, the seaside of New England, or to the Campobello Island off the Coast of New Brunswick. Since he spent many summers by the sea Franklin Roosevelt developed an interest in sailing. Franklin Roosevelt was home schooled by governesses and tutors until he was fourteen years old. He then attended Groton School in Massachusetts between 1896 and 1900. Franklin's academic record was average and he did not excel at sports either. Some of his class mates called him the "feather duster" because he seemed priggish but that was mostly due to the sheltered life he had led. Franklin then went on to attend Harvard until 1904. His academic record was again average but he finished his B.A. in three years. During his fourth year at Harvard he was editor of the college newspaper, Crimson. Franklin was never very motivated about school. Franklin soon became engaged to Eleanor Roosevelt, a fifth cousin who was once removed. They married on March 17, 1905 despite Sara Delano's objections. They had five children, one girl and four boys. All four of the boys would later serve as officers in World War II. They were all also decorated for bravery. Eleanor Roosevelt discovered in 1918 that Franklin was having an affair with her social secretary, Lucy Mercer.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Wealth and Poverty :: Essays on Poverty

Wealth and Poverty The christen teaching on wealth and poverty is that all men should be equal and thus every one should have the same amount of money as everyone else and that good christens should give away their wealth to people that were poorer than them selves. In the bible Jesus said to a man who asked what he should do to enter into heaven: "Go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me." (Mark 7: 21) . Although Jesus did not condemn wealth, he merely taught how hard it is for a wealth man to "how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God". After he said this, his disciples where shocked: "And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved? And Jesus looking upon them saith, with men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible." (Mark 10:27). The disciples where so astonished because the teachings of the time stated that riches where given by god as assign of approval. Amos, a profit acknowledged by both the Christian and Jewish religions. Amos also sheared Jesus' view that it was very hard for rich people to get into heaven, but not because of their riches alone, but because of the way that they acted. He believed that the rich should give aid to the poor, and he taught that social injustices such as this were a sin and he considered that the rich peoples worship to be a sham. Of all the people that caused injustices Amos said that the rich wives where responsible for the most, and he often called them 'The Cows Of Bashan' There is need for world development because there are over 600 million

Friday, October 11, 2019

Family Essay

The Conservative party wishes to try and tackle Homophobia, especially inside sport. The Conservatives also want to make businesses and work places much more LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender) friendly. The Conservatives are currently debating to try and make same sex marriages legal. Businesses: The Conservatives are trying to help out smaller businesses, and have already doubled small business rates. Which means 330,000 small businesses will not have to pay any business rates until April 2013. The Conservatives have introduced a National Insurance holidays to businesses outside the South East and London. Big Society: Conservatives are currently trying to encourage volunteering, which is a scheme to bring together young people from different back grounds. The Conservatives have started training Community Organisers to identify local leaders and bring people ogether so that these people can act on what is most important to their community. A nuclear family is a universal term to describe a two generation combination/ grouping usually consisting of a father, mother and one or more children (usually two children). They would live in the same household all together to make up the ‘nuclear family. A nuclear family is a universal term to describe a two generation combination/grouping usually consisting of a father, mother and one or more children (usually two children). They would live in the same household all together to ake up the ‘nuclear family. A nuclear family is a universal term to describe a two generation combination/grouping usually consisting of a father, mother and one or more children (usually two children). They would live in the same household all together to make up the ‘nuclear family. A nuclear family is a universal term to describe a two generation combination/grouping usually consisting of a father, mother and one or more children (usually two children). They would live in the same household all together to make up the ‘nuclear family. A nuclear family is a universal term to describe a two generation combination/grouping usually consisting of a father, mother and one or more children (usually two children). They would live in the same household all together to make up the ‘nuclear family. A nuclear family is a universal term to describe a two generation combination/grouping usually consisting of a father, mother and one or more children (usually two children). They would live in the same household all together to make up the ‘nuclear family. v v A

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Sonderkommandos http://upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/58/Auschwitz_Resistance_280_cropped. jpg/555px- Auschwitz_Resistance_280_cropped. jpg Table of contents Introduction3 The need of sonderkommandos4 Politics4 gas chamber5 The work of the sonderkommandos8 Revolts within the camps10 Survivors12 Resources16 Introduction When one thinks of concentration camps, the link to the gas chambers will be made without difficulties. However, do people really know how they worked and who where needed to let these killing machines function?The answer is no, some can still tell how the gas chambers worked, but barely anyone knows who worked inside them and that they had to abide the most horrific events that took place in the second world war. This paper is dedicated to those who we don’t know about, the ones we would rather know nothing of, the ones who can never be forgotten. In order to understand what really happened inside these sonderkommandos and their highly unusual workplace, it is vital to obtain some knowledge about the Nazis and their ‘final solution’ first.This paper will try to give a clear overview of the road towards the implementation of the gas chambers, the life of the people that lived inside of these sonderkommandos, the uprise that took place within the sonderkommando of Auschwitz Birkenau, known survivors from sonderkommandos, and the aftermath. There is barely any information available about this topic, I tried to use as many different sources as possible. There are some testimonies made about some of the survivors filmed by the SHOAH foundation, which can be found on Youtube.Some other survivors have written down their story in books, and others drew pictures of the events that they witnessed. All of these sources where extremely important in the creation of this paper because the Nazis never documented anything of these events that took place within the gas chambers. Their primary goal was to extinguish all evide nce created around their ‘final solution’ of the non Aryans. This paper will mostly be focused on Auschwitz and its sonderkommando, since most information available is from this camp. The need for sonderkommandosBefore explaining what the sonderkommandos did and how they operated it is necessary to explain why they were needed. There will be an explanation from the political point of view as well as the invention of the gas chamber. Politics After the first world war, Germany was forced to oblige to the Versailles treaty. This treaty stated that Germany and its allies were fully responsible for the damage and losses during the first world war. This resulted in paying a high sum of money namely, 132 billion marks for reparations, it lost around 20 percent of its territory and it had to minimize the army.The German population was devastated by this treaty but they never saw it as official. During the Weimar government Germany experienced hyperinflation which was the effec t of the Versailles treaty, this was the first time that Hitler tried to get the power in Germany in November 1923, however, it failed but it made him and his party the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) known with the public. Hitler got arrested for his attempt and was sentenced to 5 years in prison, he got out within one year.While he was in jail he wrote his infamous book ‘Mein Kampf’, in this book he describes his view on the Versailles treaty, the Jews and other minorities, the superiority of the Aryan race, and that Germany needs more territory for the Aryans. Hitler on the cover of his book, Mein Kampf http://www. nazi. org. uk/hitler-racial-state_files/image004. jpg During the elections of 1932 the NSDAP won a significant amount of seats in the Reichstag, it rose from 107 to 230, and it became the largest political party with 37,4 percent of Germany.Hitler became chancellor on the 30th of January 1933 from a government that was quite divided, even though the NSDAP was the largest party the SPD and KPD were also represented in the Reichstag. In this government there were only two ministers from the last named parties whereas all the other ministers were members from the NSDAP, Hitler almost took over all power within one year after the elections. The NSDAP made the ? enabling pact? which basically gave the parliament the power to make laws without consulting the Reichstag.When President von Hindenburg died on the second of August 1934, Hitler became president due to a law that passed one day before. This law stated that the office of president would no longer exist and that the powers of the president would merge with those of the chancellor. Hitler now had all power in Germany and he was able to implement his vision of Germany without any resistance. The Final Solution can be divided in three phases. The first phase was between 1933 and 1939, it affected Jews within the borders of the German empire.As Hitler described i n his book, Germany needed more space for the Aryans to live in and that the German race should be purified, this meant that the non Aryans had to leave. At first mass immigration sounded like the solution, it would be the easiest and cheapest option, however, the non Aryans would not just leave their homes and mother country for no reason, most of these families lived in Germany for generations. Therefore the NSDAP came up with a boycott of Jewish stores on the first of April 1933, this had barely any effect on Germany.Some Jews tried to leave Germany but foreign countries were not eager to let them in, emigration was not an option. The Nuremberg laws was the next step, these laws were written in 1935 and are also known as ? the laws for protection of German blood and German honor?. These laws had a large impact on the life of the Jews. The Jews were deprived from their citizenship, they were not allowed to marry or to have an Aryan, that marriages and relationships between Jews an d Germans were prohibited, Jews were not allowed to show the national flag or the national colors.Besides these new rules, the Nuremberg laws also stated who was considered to be a Jew. Half Jews were considered to be full Jews and were only allowed to marry a full Jew or another half Jew, whereas a quarter Jew was only allowed to marry an Aryan. After the murder on Vom Rath, a member of the Nazi party, by a 17 year old Jewish boy, on the 7th of November 1938. The Nazi? s retaliated on the Jews by destroying Jewish property on the 10th of November, such as stores and synagogue, this night became known as Kristallnacht. Besides the demolishment, 91 Jews were killed, and an estimated 30. 00 Jews were sent to concentration camps. After this event the majority of the Jewish population tried to emigrate away from Europe? s mainland, but again, like a couple of years before, other countries were not willing to let them in and most were deported back to Europe. Gas chambers As said before, Hitler wanted to free Germany from the non Aryans, when it became clear that mass emigration did not work, other options had to be considered. The Nazis had started with the compulsory sterilization of disabled people since 1933, an estimated 360. 00 persons were sterilized between 1933 and 1939. When Aktion T4 started in 1939 it began by killing children with a shot of phenol, who suffered from the down syndrome or another non curable illnesses. The second step was to murder adults with a range of different diseases such as: dementia, syphilis, epilepsy, and others. A lethal injection was a not very effective method because it was time consuming and too expensive. It was Hitler who recommended to use carbon monoxide on adults, the first test with gassing people took place in January 1940.The results were satisfying for the people who were concerned and it was applied to multiple euthanasia centers across Germany. Aktion T4 made 70. 273 victims and was shut down in 1941. Before the Jews and other non Aryans were sent to the gas chambers they were murdered by special SS groups. These SS groups also known as Sonderkommandos, when working on German territory or Einsatzgruppen, when working on foreign ground, performed killings by shooting entire Jewish populations to death. These mass murdering started from 1941 in the western part of Russia as well as in Ukraine, Bulgaria, and other eastern European countries.All victims had to undress themselves and they would be shot or killed by a gas van. The estimated amount of deaths that these SS groups are accountable for is around 2 million, which is 25 to 30 percent of the deaths on non Aryans made by Nazi Germany(approximately 6 million). These large scaled murders were quite hard for the SS men to deal with, the SS soldiers that were selected for these task were not able to keep on doing this without experiencing mental problems. Himmler himself had witnessed the work of one of the Einsatzgruppen in Minsk were a 100 Jews were shot.According to Karl Wollf, his face turned green and vomited after witnessing the event. Killing all Jews by guns was not doable mentally and economically, since gassing disabled people was a ‘success’ during Aktion T4, camps were designed with the implementation of gas chambers. When Germany took over Poland in 1939 all Jews were forced to live together in ghettos in big cities, that were easily accessible by railroads. By having all Jews together in large ghettos it will make it easier for the Nazis to deport them to concentration or death camps.Concentration camps were around since 1933, Dachau was the first official one to open, they were build to house political prisoners of the Nazi regime, they were forced to do intense labor, the living conditions were miserable. Around December 1941, Hitler decided that all the European Jews had to be exterminated, Hitler putted Himmler in charge of his ‘final solution’ which stated that the Jews were forced to work till death and the weak, old and disabled would be killed immediately. The code name of this project was operation Reinhart, and it’s sole purpose was to create extermination camps that could kill all the Polish Jews.Multiple death camps were build such as: Chelmno, Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibor, even though Auschwitz and Madjanek are considered to be death camps too, they were also functioning as labor camps. Death camps in occupied Poland http://upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/WW2-Holocaust-Poland. PNG The death camps that were designed and build during operation Reinhart all had overall the same layout and were all located near a rail line, this was important in order to get the victims easy in to the camp. Chelmno used gas vans and had no crematoria, the bodies were burned in pits in the woods.Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka all had gas chambers that worked on diesel engines, Auschwitz and Madjanek both used Zyklon B to gas the victims. The f irst test with Zyklon B took place in Auschwitz in the infamous block 11 on Russian prisoners of war, Zyklon B was previously used to disinfect clothes. These tests with this gas were very effective, it was less time consuming that using gas chambers operating with diesel engines and it was less expensive. The work of the sonderkommando When a train would arrive in Auschwitz, a selection was made between the ones who were fit to work and the ones who were assumed not to be able to work.The group of people who did not pass the selection would be sent to the gas chambers. Once arriving in the crematorium, they were told by the SS guards to undress themselves and to proceed to the showers. To make the process faster the victims were told that after the shower they would be provided with a meal. Within the undressing rooms there were little hooks which were intended to hang clothes on, the SS guards would tell the people to remember their number so that they would be able to find their clothes back after the shower. When entering in the gas chamber it didn’t look that suspicious since showerheads were placed on the ceiling.When the whole selected transport was inside the gas chamber, the door would be locked and an SS guard would pour the Zyklon B gas from the roof into the gas chamber trough a little opening. It took a couple of minutes before the gas started to work, it would spread from the bottom to the top of the room, after 20 minutes all the persons inside the room were dead. Once the gas chamber was cleared from the corpses, the whole room had to be cleaned and repainted in order not to look suspicious for the next victims. The bodies were send up to the furnace area, in which they were cremated.The whole process of arriving till death took place within 3 hours, multiple transports per crematorium would be processed during a day. The members of the sonderkommando were forced to participate throughout this whole process, their job consisted out of di fferent tasks. A few would assist in the undressing room where they helped people to undress and to get into the gas chambers, if a member would speak the language of the people who were about to be murdered, he would translate the orders from the SS guard in order to make the process go faster.Two members of the sonderkommando were needed on the roof of the gas chamber were they had to lift off the heavy lid to the opening for the Zyklon B crystals. After the people were deceased, an air ventilator would be switched on the refresh the air, the door to the gas chamber would be opened, after which the members from the sonderkommando had to drag every victim out by using a cane of a string of fabric. The Zyklon B gas had a weird effect on the dead bodies, a person would get rid of all its body fluids when the gas started to work.This meant that all the bodies were covered in urine, blood, vomit and feces. Once the bodies came out of the gas chamber, the members of the sonderkommando h ad to place the bodies on a small elevator which would bring the bodies up to the furnace area. Up in the crematorium other members had to put the corpses on a metal stretcher and throw them into the ovens. Once the bodies were cremated, the large pieces of bones would be crushed by some members in a huge grinder, all the ashes would be collected and dumped in a river close by.Besides working inside the gas chambers, the members of the sonderkommando also had to burn people in massive pits, the crematoriums could not always handle the amount of corpses that needed to be cremated. Another task that they sometimes had to perform was to walk a victim, mostly elderly, up a stair where a SS guard was hiding, who would shoot the victim in the neck. These people were not able to go in to the gas chamber and therefore were murdered in a different way. The members of the sonderkommando were not allowed to communicate with other prisoners within the camp.Their standards of living were higher than in the rest of the camp, they all had a bed and the food supply was better due to what they could find in the victims possessions. Even though they had a bit more advantages from other prisoners, the Nazis did everything possible to make their live harder and more complicated. A member of the sonderkommando dragging people out of the gas chamber, drawn by David Olere http://1. bp. blogspot. com/-GwK8gwHiSn0/TdLwHbiBY5I/AAAAAAAABfo/o5dL0rdbRas/s1600/Sonderkommando. JPGIn the Jewish faith it is not appropriate to touch a body when it is not clean, this is just one example of the methods the Nazis used to make the lives of the Jews inside these sonderkommandos more miserable. Besides witnessing the horrors of their job there was another factor that was a threat to them, the Nazis tried to replace the members of the sonderkommando regularly, they did not want to have survivors who could testify what they had seen and witnessed. In Auschwitz there were approximately 1200 workers imp risoned in the different sonderkommandos spread over the five different crematoriums.Revolts within the camps After news of the revolt in the ghetto of Warsaw and the losses of the German Army in Stalingrad and north Africa, the Jewish prisoners within the death camps got a little more faith in surviving their ordeals. Multiple uprisings against the Nazis took place within the camps. Treblinka After the last transport came into the camp in the beginning of 1943, the Treblinka prisoners were participating in clearing all the evidence from the Treblinka site.Mass graves were opened and all corpses had to be burned, when this work was almost completed, the Jews noticed that once the work was finished they would be killed to erase the last trace of evidence. On the second of August 1943 they revolted against the Nazis by attending a mass escape. Their plan was to take over control of the camp, however it failed, all prisoners stormed to the main gate and around 300 were able to escape. Most of the camp of Treblinka was burned down during the revolt. Sobibor When the prisoners realized that less transports were coming in, like in Teblinka, they decided to take matters into their own hands.Individual escapes were not a good option, since the SS would retaliate against the remaining prisoners, a plan had to be created that could get the whole prisoner population out. When a transport with Russian prisoners of war came in everything changed, one of these inmates was Sasja Petsjerski. He and a Jewish inmate created a plan where the SS guards and Ukranians would be killed, telephone cords would be cut, and the whole camp population would escape at once. The revolt took place on the 14th of October 1943, from the 600 camp population, 300 made it out of the gates alive.The estimated number of survivors is around 50 to 70 people. The 100 members of the sonderkommando of Sobibor did not participate in this uprising and were all murdered the next day. Sobibor closed down aft er this revolt. Auschwitz Within Auschwitz the plan of revolting against the Germans already existed for a longer period of time, there was contact between the polish underground and members of the sonderkommando. Even though members of the sonderkommando were not allowed to communicate with other prisoners, they established contact when picking up the soup in the kitchen in the women’s camp.Besides exchanging information, gun powder which was taken by female prisoners, was given to members of the sonderkommando. When the incoming transports were reducing rapidly in the fall of 1944, the revolt was planned, which was executed on the 7th of October 1944. The plan was that all crematoriums would escape at the same time, however, it started in crematorium IV by accident. The members of the sonderkommando used the gunpowder that was smuggled in to blow up the crematorium. Members of the sonderkommando of crematorium II and IV tried to escape through the fences into the woods.Insi de crematorium III the kapo decided that it would be better not to attend the revolt and to remain inside. The men from the two other crematoriums were either killed in the revolt, or killed after they were captured again. After this event crematorium IV and crematorium III were not in function anymore and they were demolished, the members of the remaining sonderkommando were given instructions to tear down the gas chambers, they were the only ones who were allowed down there. The outer part of the buildings were taken down by normal prisoners.After the revolt the members of the sonderkommando slept in a small building in the men’s camp of Birkenau. When the death marches started in January 1945, the members of the sonderkommando blended themselves into groups of other prisoners who were leaving the camp with these marches. After they mingled with other prisoners it was impossible for the SS to find the members back. These survivors have been important in order to understand how the final solution took place. Survivors of sonderkommandos Known survivor Treblinka: Martin Gray 27-4-1922-Born in Warsaw, he was able to escape from Treblinka, after the war he married a Dutch woman and got four children together, whom all died in a forest fire in 1970. He remarried and is still lecturing all over the world. Known survivor Chelmno: Michal Podchlebnik Worked in Chelmno in the waldkommando, his job was to bury the victims of the Chelmno gas trucks, he also tidied up the changing rooms after the people were gassed. He heard how the people were gassed. He was able to escape from Chelmno in 1942. Known survivors sonderkommando Auschwitz: The highest amount of survivors is from Auschwitz as described in the previous chapter.The list created below, is putted together with the use of multiple websites and books. There are more survivors but some were not willing to share their stories and never wanted to speak their ordeals ever again. Israel Gutman 1923- Born in Wars aw, participated in the Warsaw revolt. He was send to several camps afterwards, he was one of the creators of the sonderkommando revolt. After the war he testified in the Eichmann process. Milton Buki 1909-1988 Prisoner number: 80312 Morris kesselman Prisoner number: 11900 Yosef sackar Prisoner number: 182739 Avraham Dragon 1919-2007 Prisoner number: 80360 Szlamo Dragon Prisoner number: 80359Brother of Avraham Dragon Daniel Behnnamias 1923-1994 Prisoner number: 182477 Greek Jew with Italian nationality who after the war, wrote a book called the holocaust odyssey of Daniel Behnnamias, he died in Oakland, United States. Alter Fajnzylberg 23/10/1910-? Prisoner number: 27675 Arrived in Auschwitz on the 27th of March 1942, he witnessed the gassing of the gypsies. Shlomo Venezia 29/12/1923-1/10/2012 Prisoner number: 182727 Wrote a book about his experiences in Auschwitz called ‘inside the gas chambers’. After the war he found his older sister Rachel back, his mom and two litt le sister were murdered on arrival.Morris Venezia 2/1921-? Prisoner number: 182728 A Greek Jew with Italian nationality, he is the older brother of Shlomo Venezia. Dario Gabbai 1922-? Prisoner number: 182568 A Jew from Greece, he was in the same transport as a lot of other survivors. After the war he shared his story with many others, he believed that his testimony is important to picture the complete story of the horrors that took place. Dario Gabbai, Shlomo and Morris Venezia went back to Auschwitz to participate in a documentary called: Auschwitz, the final witness. Jakov Gabbai 1912-1993 Prisoner number: 182569 The older brother of Dario Gabbai.Henryk Tauber 8/7/1917-? Prisoner number: 90124 A Polish Jew who arrived in Auschwitz at 19th of January 1943, he had a few different jobs in the camp before he was selected for the sonderkommando. After the war he testified for a Polish court. Filip Muller 1922- Prisoner number: 29236 Fillip Muller, born in Czechoslovakia, worked for alm ost 3 years in the sonderkommando, this is an extremely long time whereas most others would not work longer that 3 months to a half a year inside the crematoriums. After the war he wrote a book about his ordeal called ‘eyewitness Auschwitz: three years in the gas chambers’ Henryk Mandelbaum 5/12/1922-17/6/2008 Prisoner number: 181970 After the war, Henryk dedicated himself to teach others about his own experiences of being a member of the sonderkommando. He always kept his tattoo to remind himself what he went through. Leon Cohen 1910-1989 Prisoner number: 182492 Wrote a book from Greece to Birkenau, which is dedicated to the uprising in the crematoriums. While he was working in the sonderkommando, he carried out a job as a dentist, he had to pull out the golden teeth from the deceased in crematorium III. David Olere 19/01/1902-2/8/1985Prisoner number: 106144 David Olere was transported from transition camp Drancy in France to Auschwitz on the 49th transport on the seco nd of March 1943. He worked as a member of the sonderkommando his entire stay in Auschwitz. On the 19th of January he was evacuated from the camp by participating in a death march which led him to Ebensee in Austria, he got liberated on the 6th of May 1945 by the American army. After the war, David Olere used his painting skills to create an image of what happened inside the crematoriums and gas chambers of Auschwitz.No pictures or video material of the gas chambers and the crematoriums was ever shot, therefore his drawings and paintings are considered valuable. Miklos Nyiszli 16/6/1901-5/5/1956 Prisoner number: A8450 Miklos Nyiszli was deported to Auschwitz in June 1944 with his wife and daughter, at arrival he told the staff he was a doctor. He was forced to work as Mengele’s assistant and to perform autopsies in the crematorium. After he got liberated from the Donau camp on may 5th 1945 by the U. S. Army he found his wife and daughter back. He died of a heart attack in 195 6. ResourcesThe need for sonderkommandos http://www1. yadvashem. org/yv/en/education/languages/dutch/encyclopedia/19. asp http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Mein_Kampf http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nuremberg_Laws http://yalepress. yale. edu/yupbooks/excerpts/greif_wept. pdf http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler http://www. duitslandweb. nl/naslagwerk/Geschiedenis/Derde+Rijk+tot+1939/Machtigingswet+en+gelijkschakeling. html http://www. jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0015_0_14977. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Action_T4 http://www. youtube. com/watch? =LJ8ogV5e8co&feature=related http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Karl_Wolff http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Heinrich_Himmler http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Operation_Reinhard uprisings http://www. holocaustresearchproject. org/revolt/sonderevolt. html http://cohen. gr/newsite/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=2278:-2&catid=69:2011-03-21-15-02-30&Itemid=78 http://www. sobiborinterviews. nl/en/the-revol t/the-revolt http://www. ushmm. org/outreach/en/article. php? ModuleId=10007747 survivors http://fcit. usf. edu/holocaust/ARTS/DOBIO/DOarts. HTM http://www. ewishvirtuallibrary. org/jsource/biography/HenrykMandelbaum. html http://www. go2war2. nl/artikel/2541/Mikl%C3%B3s-Nyiszli-het-Sonderkommando-in- Auschwitz-Birkenau. htm http://www. mazal. org/archive/documents/Tauber/Tauber01. htm http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=P-IinMCbdJA http://www. nytimes. com/2012/10/07/books/shlomo-venezia-auschwitz-sonderkommando-and-survivor-dies-at-88. html? _r=0 http://sonderkommando. info/proces/cracovie/temoins/feinsilber/index. html http://www. schoah. org/shoah/holocaust/greif-0. htm http://www. martingray. eu/ Books used: Sonderkommando Auschwitz Shlomo VeneziaISBN: 9789026321016 Europe reborn Harold James ISBN: 0-582-21533-1 Ooggetuigen van Sobibor Jules Schelvis ISBN: 9789026323140 ————————————— Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Official number from the Nazi party, however, the number of deaths is probably much higher. [ 2 ]. Reichsfuhrer of the SS, he formed the SS einsatzgruppen and created the extermination camps. He is accountable for the deaths of millions of Jews. [ 3 ]. SS grupenfuhrer, and Himmler’s ‘ears and eyes’ within Hitler’s headquarters. [ 4 ]. First death camp build. [ 5 ]. Might contain errors, since no real official lists excists.