Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A life of the Senses Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

A life of the Senses - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that throughout history, technology has had indelible impact on the lives of the people and through it; several changes in the way we do things have been realized. For instance, communication has been made possible such that we are able to communicate to those in far-flung areas without necessarily transiting to those places. Away from communication, technology has also enable us to produce goods in a more efficient and faster rate than before, with the increase in the world population, there is high demand for the products, without technology, it would be difficult to satisfy the requirement of the all people without an efficient mechanism through which production can be hastened. It is also important to note that technology has also enabled us acquire knowledge with ease, for instance, the use of Google enables us to get information at the click of the button. These are the benefits that technology as brought to our doorsteps to make life bearable and possible for us, to enable us run errands with ease and communicate issues in a timely manner. Notwithstanding, whereas there are technological advancement that has made our lives easier, there are also some bad effect that technology has brought to us, it is not that advantageous per se. For instance, in his book A life of the Senses, Richard Louv categorically proposed that Google is making us not enjoy nature in the sense that it has created a culture that do not appreciate the value of reading. Most of the people today cannot sustain reading hard copy academic materials for just one hour. This is attributed to the technological advancement that has brought Google, through this mode of getting information, it has been realized that the culture of reading has been fading with time and most of the people no longer considers reading books to be a way of sourcing information. In this doing, to find student reading hard copy materials has become rare, as most of the yout hs prefer technology to enable them get information in a click of a button. The natural reading environment has been pushed to the periphery and no more book are there to read (Goodbody 66). In the contemporary United States, young people have been so engraved in the technology that they have been deflected from getting in touch with nature. The technological advancements experienced in the US are rapidly depriving the young people from enjoying the provision of nature since most of the things they are doing are technology based. There is a strong fear that teenagers in the United States soon will be completely be disconnected from nature if they continue to rely on technology as they do today. In this paper, I have examined the different ways in which technology is affecting the extent through which young people should enjoy nature (Negrotti 43). Overreliance on technological provisions is making the young people to miss associating with nature and there is need that they balance t heir relation between nature and technology. Young people in the US have been deprived nature in the following ways through their skewed interest in the technology used. Using technology, most of the natural things have been enabled in the technology through animations, young people then use this animated or simulated programs to satisfy their quest for the natural system. The use of technology has thus made the youths to lose a lot of natural real time experience of the world by engaging in technology. Take for example tourism, before the onset of technology, there was need for tourism activities where people would go out to have fun in the natural environment, to appreciate the diversity of flora and fauna but with the onset of technology, young people have grown lazier and have no time to visit even parks to see wild animals. Instead, they opt for the movie series to enjoy the natural world as captured and availed in the movies. There are several computer games that has made it p ossible for the young people

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