Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Continuities and changes of religion in Sub-saharan Africa Essay

sub-Saharan Africa has undergone changes with religion much(prenominal) as the changing of religious link to Christianity and the practices of cosmology and ontology, however, sub-Saharan Africa has in like manner remained unbroken with their thoughts being focused on dissimilar principles like a agent and evil. Christianity was predominantly the main religion in Sub-saharan Africa opposed to the Muslims of North Africa. Christianity in the Americas lento began to send out missionaries to spread the church doctrine and build churches in Africa.The people began to mastermind their daily lives and rituals accordingly and the population of Christians come up from about 9% to around 63% everyplace the years from the 1900s to mod day. Missions in Africa is most definitely something that Christians in former(a) part of the world hold focused on. It seems to be a much targeted atomic number 18a for its other religious practices such(prenominal) as cosmology and ontology. c osmogeny and Ontology are to a greater extent philosophical beliefs in nature, evolution, and the fashion the world works. In Africa, many olive-sized tribes are closed off from dialogue outside of their tribe, and have practiced indisputable beliefs for hundreds of years.This belief system tends to lean towards the more relaxed religion and allows freedom for the people in those tribes to do what they want as prospicient as it is parallel to what is right in nature. Everything in this philosophical theme is that of nature. Nature is considered holy and worthy of venerate. Cosmology and Ontology are how Sub-Saharan Africans attempted to in carcass our complex world in the simplest manner possible that makes sense to them. There were as well as other beliefs that Sub-saharan Africans developed over time such as the belief in evil beings and eternal heaven.Sub-saharan Africans soon realized that in that respect needed to be some physical body of an explanation for what hap pens when you die, or what evil is. These enlarge did not necessarily help form a new religion, but alternatively simply added on top of the religions already in place in the Sub-saharan region. In the Niger-congo area, there was a communal belief in spirits, a creator of the universe rather than evolution. In other areas, there was the belief in the idolise and idolization of ones personal gods whom they gave thanks to and ascribe much of their life to.These tribes lived their lives to please their gods in order to march on favor and win a long and prosperous life. This is also something that was seen in Ancient Greece where Greek Mythology and the worship of gods took place. These people too, lived to please the gods to live a good life. In conclusion, Sub-saharan African has undergone changes in religion such as Christianity and Cosmology, but there was also factors that remained invariable throughout the existence of Sub-saharan Africa such as little tribes who believe in pleasing personal gods.

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